
ToyStory 3 is my turing test. If you didn't cry during it, you're not human.

When you say stuff like this, it comes off as though you're all "I'm too hipster to like Pixar".. They do what they do extremely well, with a high emphasis on story.. Not sure what's not to like.

Left side has all the important shortkey commands - ctrl - s, ctrl z, ctrl -c, ctrl v. It's a win for me.

As an artist and animator, can I point out that the uncanny valley is about motion, not about stills. Yeah, we get freaked out by faces that are subtly off in stills, but a talented artist can create something so close to photorealistic that we have no issue with it. The issue comes when you put that into motion.

Some things you just can't unread, no matter how much you wish you could.

Yeah, if there's any confusion at all, I ask. Weirdly, last night I had someone order a Tanqueray gimlet, but not actually know that's what it was called.

Yeah, I pour to fit the glass, and I've been doing it for long enough that you always get all the alcohol you pay for.

As a fellow bartender/mixologist, I was coming here to say a lot of the same stuff you did.. I think the only thing you missed was the fact that a good bartender doesn't waste alcohol, so we pour according to the drink size. I'm sure you, like me, come out with a perfectly filled glass every time, so the article's

Gin should never be shaken, actually.. that's a really bad way to make a gin martini.

Uh, a lot of sweet and sour is made with egg whites as a binding agent and to help drinks froth, so for example a lot of bar-made margaritas which use sour will be shaken to improve the appearance and taste.

Yeah, I mean... seriously, I'm ok with believing in Aliens, it's better than believing that birth control is the devil..

Not quite what I was thinking when I read Twilight Taint, but my version is more risque, so let's go with yours.

In my alternate history head, there is a book series called Chicken Soup and Opiates for the Soul, now.

I didn't look closely, but that's how I'd do it.

I'm thinking about writing a standardized test that includes all the banned words. And then a few extra for good measure.

Try harder. Please. Banning of Morons should be a fundamental human right, for those of us who aren't morons.

The wrong kind of leaves on the tracks - a problem for the ages.

What, no Segway?

I think one of the things that fascinated me so much about this book was the world you built for it. Was it something that was a pretty finished idea out of the box, or was it something that evolved organically with the story over time?

I try and tell all my acquaintances that as an artist, when you say something, my brain pictures it. You don't want to know what my brain showed me as a result of your post. :p