
I hope so.

Very much enjoyed this book, although I think maybe the secondary characters lacked a little of the depth the world had. Looking forward to whatever comes next from Cline :)

So many reasons current copyright laws suck, but stuff like this is a huge part of it. We're robbed by derivative content in a way that we never have been through human history. Some of the most popular stories have literally been repurposed and 'stolen' for thousands of years until they reach the point of awesome -

Animation student :p. I can't not see this stuff now. It's like when someone tells you not to think about pink elephants, and you do, well I've trained my brain to see anatomy mistakes (my own and others) in drawings, so now I can't stop seeing it. I admit that it's a little odd, but yeah, one of my professors hates

It's sad but what bothers me about the picture you posted is the fact that her anatomy is all wrong, even for anime.. her hips are tilted in a physically impossible way, and her legs aren't the same length.

In the case of say, serious burns though, patients are sometimes kept in medically induced comas while they heal anyway, so imagine if we could medically hibernate them instead, and trigger a similar healing response in humans? I think that there's not much worse than having your skin burned off over large portions of

We could just stop bailing out Bank of America directly and indirectly, and fund everything you like.

I wasn't overly impressed.. I read the comic (as much as there is at this date) after reading your review, and it feels like you're way overselling it. It wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't as great as you make it sound.

You can still walk in animal shelters and walk out with awesome pet :)

Duckduckgo ftw. I'm pro anything that (a) uses bang syntax to make searching easier, and (b) can never be forced to give up or sell any of your search history and personal data because they don't keep it.

Misread the title of the Walking Dead episode there for a second as "Judge Judy, Executioner."

Hearted for that :)

Me.. I thought they would have eaten them all, I mean, lobster, right?

I could so heartily approve of this.

What you're failing to appreciate is that it wasn't created in the world you live in. You've grown up with an art world that is literally boundless, where rules are made to be broken and remade over and over. You can't fully appreciate a piece like this without really understanding the society and history it was

That's not necessarily the only option. Societal change could happen - polyamory becoming widely acceptable for example. In a society with limited women, one women having more than one husband becomes a possible solution at least for some. There's also the possibility that women will have more power in that society

Pretty much every other species of reptile is smarter than the Santorum.

The most successful art, especially when it comes to things like video games, comics, movies etc. is almost always created by someone who is doing it because that's what they like to play, or that's what they like to read. It's hard to write or design by committee for some demographic that isn't you. If you want women

So does the current low price of Natural gas happen to have anything at all to do with fracking? []

From what I hear, she's not too fond of you either.