
Seriously? I mean, come on.. That's like giving in to every gamer geek stereotype EVER.

It does make you wonder if HIV was introduced into the gay populations for similar reasons - that they're 'disposable' people to certain reprehensible individuals.

Quite.. it's like the argument that all the secrecy surrounding government is for national security. Security via obscurity has been proven over and over to be a really crappy way to secure anything, and open to abuse from so many different angles, but yet it's still accepted practice.

Not every woman is suitable to be a mother, and not every man is going to make a good father.

Why is it so unacceptable to you that she was experimenting sexually? I mean, this is a girl who has been through a lot of really tough and difficult relationships with guys/vampires.. Why is it unacceptable for the character to try things out just like real people do? Not everyone pops out of the womb sure of who and

The US does that as part of the immigration process too.. Either x-rays or other tests for TB are acceptable.

Because there's no such thing as evolution, duh. No intelligent god would intelligently design worse and worse bugs to punish us for our sexual deviance.... actually, nm, I just convinced myself intelligent design is true. A lifetime of atheism banished in one sarcastic sentence.

Now I really want to turn all of these into ringers for obnoxious things like work calling.


Yeah, I kept wanting them to sing a bit better on pitch, and timing.. with something like this, the rhythmic nature of most of this stuff becomes critical.

Now playing

I don't know, but it will be cunningly used.

Worth watch just for the Mac Recaps.

Currently taking a class in how to make this kind of model. The kind of clay we use is the Super Sculpey oil based polymer clay. You can get it in a variety of fleshy-tones as well as the grey they have here.. In all likelyhood, these models were made using that. It can be baked or not baked, depending on how long you

Link to research that states there has been no warming in 15 years?

While I love this show anyway, this was a particularly great episode. Alan Davies is hilarious, and Liam and Patrick were both great. The voicemail for the fan was excellent, especially when followed with Alan leaving a message too..

I think it's more likely that they'd legalize hunting elephants for ivory, if that happened.. OR they could export elephants back to Africa..

It's still a bale of hay, it's just a bale of hay over there...

I'll have to check that one out, I'm not familiar with it, and it's not in either of the texts I have for class.. Struwwelpeter (aka shockheaded peter) is also incredibly disturbing. It's a collection of short stories, where the children frequently die in horrific ways - a girl plays with matches, so she is burned to

Actually in the french movie version that I watched, the girl (played by Catherin Deneuve) repeatedly says to the fairy godmother "But why can't I marry my father? I love him, so I will marry him" and various other sickening things.

Yeah, I got irritated with that too a lot - being forced to read every book at a specific reading level to keep me at the same standard as the other kids, or being forced to do page after page after page of extra math exercises to prove the same thing - that I had picked it up in 5. Schools are not tailored to the