
Hear hear!

Please tell me this is some attempt at humor.

See - societies that do not continue to exist..

Yes, I think science fiction would still exist in a world that our science fiction explores - sci-fi is about imagining the next thing, moving in the mental time forward direction, and no society can continue to exist that doesn't think about the future and explore it sufficiently before it's here.

Yeah, who cares if you're risking death just to be around peanuts, let alone eat them? KEEP AT IT!....

It's all very well to say "chill out" it's not really all that serious, but that's not the case for everyone. I have a very good friend with a 5 year old son. He suffers from eosinophilic esophagitis, basically super severe allergies. He has to be homeschooled because all of the schools in his area refuse to ban

What's insane about all this to me is the fact that as much as so many politicians like to talk about letting the "free market" decide everything, almost every case here is about deliberately legislating against the free market, about protecting existing industry giants, in favor of squashing new technologies and the

How can you only have one ab? are you missing muscles on one side of your body?

Aww, but Neal is so great on the exhaustive details.. it's so real!.

Only to an extent. Remember that who you are is not just what you post or display. Every site that has a little "f" or "like" button widget records your visit in a nice little cookie. This information is tied to your facebook profile, even if you don't have one - the cookie records all the data just in case you ever

So many christians believe that, even if not all of them do, that it's a fairly accurate statement. I'm willing to cut people slack to an extent, but when you start arguing that the bible is literally sacrosanct, and everything in it is valid and viable and exactly as god wrote it, you lose me quite quickly. And I've

Bravo man, Bravo.

You make a lot of really good points, and yeah, while I do enjoy the GOT series much more than the WOT series, there are definitely some pacing issues, some parts of the stories that can afford to be cut out, etc. I think authors look at something like LOTR and see the formula of small group of characters that start

What's interesting to me is the comment about how slaves and laborers were well fed - since they weren't competing for resources, what they "earned" by the labor tax was converted directly to food, rather than having the intermediate step that leads to poverty, where you are working hard, but the market and the

Without a doubt, Wheel of Time is the most overrated fantasy series ever. The writing is atrocious, the characters are shallow, and everything is so long winded that 90% of the time, you're wishing he would just get back to the main plot. I read really fast, I've read probably most of the major fantasy authors out

The medium is not the message. Doesn't matter how it's delivered, whether electrons or clay, it's still porn. I think the point here was that more people have access to porn.

Ok, so I read the whole article, and I still don't know "What euphemisms do to us"..

Beck and call, not beckoning call.

One's a girl toy and one's a boy toy? I dunno, I can't think of an actual good reason, either, but the fact is that the majority of humanoid toys tend to be girl based, where boy toys have at least somewhat traditionally been car/mutant/robot based. Obviously army men, etc, are a notable exception.

Electron microscopes are some of the coolest stuff ever. I got trained to use a Philips desktop SEM when I was a wee 17 year old. Still one of the coolest things I've learned how to do, from the substrate prep all the way through to looking at my sample and testing the different granules for composition using