
I voted for Tennant, precisely because of his awesomeness, not that he has the best beefcakeygoodness.. and judging by the fact he's beating out quite a lot of the competition, I'm not the only one that thinks that way.

D'awwww.. cute picture.

Ahh.. so it hasn't actually been functional on and off for the last 2-3 years.. it's been moving around in time, functional a year from now.

Hiding from something that happens every day the world over, doesn't mean it's not there.. Fiction is a way to help us as people come to terms with events both before and after they happen to us or someone we know. Statistically speaking, it's something horrific like 1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault in our

Um, isn't the LHC already operational?

Another important consideration the article completely misses, is that since you're on fertility treatments, you are highly highly encouraged to live a celibate lifestyle, because there's a huge risk of pregnancy if you do not. So being in a couple, unless you refrain from the nookie completely, it's extremely

It's actually more to do with the way the cloth is folding, heh. My brain automatically moves into critique mode any time I see artwork involving people, having spent the entirety of the last quarter doing this to my own work constantly.

Really great color work here, that's, to me, what makes the difference between a really fantastic piece and just an ok piece.. I feel like something with the pants feels off, but overall, stunning work.

Quite. As someone else said already, rape is a power thing, not a sex or biology thing. You wouldn't question a woman being forced by someone holding a gun to her head as rape, and it's the exact same situation here. The mayor had a virtual gun to his head, even if the real-world huntsman was unaware of it, the

That's why you need to install a giant trampoline on the bottom two floors.

Dear headmaster. Romeo and Juliet are not two of the most famous star crossed lovers in American literature.



As an artist, we're taught to use mirrors as references for expression, even if we aren't directly drawing ourselves.. Spend some time googling comic book artists and their art, you'll start to see the resemblances.

As someone who was associated with the site the hoax started on, at the time it did, I can pretty much guarantee, based on my assessment both of the userbase at the time and that particular user, that it was very definitely a hoax.

Bella wants to be his equal? I could maybe buy that, if she wasn't constantly saying "I'm so inferior to you, I'm pathetic compared to the greatness that is your marble-bodied splendor" etc...

Yes, and the women forced for years to look at topless chicks in movies are right there with you. We dealt with it, you will too.

Amazing that you got everything about the art school I go to wrong, and no, I still don't think either of them are awesome.. Good color work and design work is all over the place in concept art, there's some fantastic work out there.. and this is not it.

Everytime someone brings up bob ross in art school, it's not a complement, it's a joke..

Eh.. this guy could use a color theory class or something.. and a design class.. fancy rendering with a spray can doesn't equal good art..