
I sort of agree.. it feels like the recaps here are really trying to hate this show, and I'm just not seeing what they're seeing.. I like the characters for the most part, the visuals are pretty, there are clever elements, and the stories are interesting enough that I'm willing to give it a chance to take me somewhere

It's the ears that throw me off.. She's not someone who should have hair that short.. she just looks too... nun.

West Yorkshire is not particularly well known for predatory species of wildlife.. it's mostly sheep, the odd cow.. lots of hikers..

More complex effects take more time.. even as great as the tools we have available in terms of software and hardware are, the things necessary to create something as stunning as avatar (even discounting the 3d part of it) are really gifted modelers, riggers, animators and compositors.. one ten second shot can take a

More importantly, why is this dude STILL running after shitting himself? I mean, seriously..... at that point surely you're gonna say "not my race" and invest in some depends for next time?


One day when I have some time, being someone who *almost* fits that description (I think I was maybe 4 when it came out?) I'll bust out some concept art for Neuromancer just for the hell of it.

Wasn't Hunger Games a debut novel? Certainly felt like that took the world and Io9 simultaneously by storm.

Neuromancer to me is like poetry.. I don't read it so much for the story, as for the experience of the way Gibson strings words together.. I think that, "All tomorrow's Parties" and "Pattern Recognition" for me are the strongest of his works for that reason.. Even the simplicity of the part in pattern recognition

Supposedly people like blue eyes because it's easier to see dilation, i.e. signs of love...

All fiction, whether literary or genre, is not reality. By it's very definition, there is nothing really real in fiction. It's all made up. The rules of the made up world you live in may be different, but it's still a made up world with fictional people. Some of the most thought provoking and incredibly deep ideas

I get that it's flatworms, but still.. why? When was this experiment conducted? 1834?

More importantly, at this point, you could simply have the equipment exist and have staff pretend to scan people, and it would likely function statistically at a very similar level as if it were actually scanning, in terms of security, and obviously with greater benefits for health, so long as this were done privately.

Why the eyebrow specifically?

Also, Ew.

When you weren't paying attention to what actually exists, rather than what you assume exists.

Agreed, love love love love love him, he was especially awesome as the enchanted version, completely creepy.. and then in the real world version, he was somehow *more* menacing.

Oh but it gets so much better... You're missing out not only on Martha, but you're missing out on Donna, which is a crying shame..

Both of those sound like interesting concepts, and far superior to the "i'm going to play nine million hours until I am the strongest of the strong" mindset... Nowadays, I'm not much of a gamer, more of an art nerd, but the whole devotion of time necessary to being a gamer nowadays is the main reason I just don't

I'm not arguing semantics, I'm not talking about what the term stands for. I'm talking about what the test was designed to measure, and what it was designed to measure was your capacity to learn.