So, here’s the thing. Aside from the fact that this conversation is wildly inappropriate for the workplace, these are people supposedly responsible for following evidence to its logical conclusion, for complex analytical situations, in addition to tactical street/traffic/ whatever stuff. The guy says, “my wife hated…
You. Fucking. Monster.
The league, and football in general, would be better without them.
I had an unexpected affair three years ago.
Well, I know it’s going to be easy to criticize this guy and everything he did but, in fairness, I think he did a great job directing Argo.
He wants black journalists to support him because he’s black? He certainly didn’t afford the same courtesy to other black comics. He went out of his way to tear them down. He also tore down the black community at large calling many “the lower economic people” and outright saying they are to blame for their lot in…
It happens to the best of us...
Goddamnit Koa! Coach Philbin was very explicit that he didn’t want to see this shit online.
Zero Deadspin, one Jezebel, and one Gawker.
That survey. Holy shit.
23. Of the following things that some women do on social media, which one is the MOST ANNOYING?
One Piece anime is only 708 episode long and the manga is only 78 volume long.
You sparked a memory. We get a fair bit of snow here in winter. Whenever the newscast announced 10 or more inches, I would say, quite clearly, in any kind of crowd "Well hey! who wouldn't want 10 inches!?" Silence and blank stares always followed (i really need to get the fuck outta here...).
Good news Jet fans! You now get to see Brady win in New York on a weekday!
“All crucial decisions made in the Atlanta area are made with the goal of avoiding traffic, and then failing to avoid that traffic.”