
I was really hoping they all worked at Arby’s

Very Relevant for Teen Witch and pretty damn NSFW, but hey, it’s lovingly put together and starring an early-era Lonely Island

In otherwords, Polamalu and a couple of Steelers execs met at a Church and worked out an under-the-table buyout. Interesting window dressing with the crucified Jew none sense though.

Well fucking done.

I can’t get over how wrong the character looks without the red underoos.

From my experiences of going to two public universities, regardless of the building, you best bring your own toilet paper. Tax dollars would apparently be wasted ensuring the rectal comfort of its state's university-goers.

So glad Joe Johnson's no longer rockin the 2.

You kid but this stadium is giving everyone in town a collective aneurism.

How is she not in movies anymore?


I've spent too much time on Gawker today.

This might possibly be the greatest title to an article I've ever seen.

Majestic AF

The article or the 'hey, maybe the Bolsheviks were pretty on point' party?

Is there a greater person?

I'd swipe right.

Underrated post.

A puck looks like a ball from certain angles.


I can't wait to be ashamed of myself whilst eating a dozen or so of these.