“some people are poorly educated because they’re poor: thus, classism.
“some people are poorly educated because they’re poor: thus, classism.
Apparently not, and that’s precisely the problem.
Jokes are supposed to be funny.
“Wahhhh I’m so tired of the witch hunts on dudes who grope underage girls. What about gropists’ rights?????”
Yeah his hand is clearly flat on a 16-year-old girl’s boob. What does the way he’s facing even have to do with it, you tit?
It is such a hard thing. It broke my heart when some of my friends said that they wouldn’t name their rapist because they had already lost too many friends, and they couldn’t bear to lose any more, so they wouldn’t take the risk. I just told them that I was listening if they wanted to DM me, and I promised to believe…
Hotels are expensive and taking it home with you will just piss off the spouse.
Yea, pretty sure you’re an idiot.
Yeah but it still gives the God Botherers a little fizz in their nether regions.
Oh, I know. I have a huge problem with the intermingling of politics and religion and the way that this was added after the fact just really pissed off a younger me. Hell, it still pisses me off.
I suspect because most of them don’t understand what that means. Guaranteed a lot of them think you need a literal golden idol for it to qualify. There’s something about the North American Christian experience that’s really short on nuance.
We are familiar with the weather, having grown up on the island and gone to university in Vancouver. We would not live right in the city. Have a few areas in the lower mainland to choose from. I’m not worried about property tax. We pay huge up here. I have some concerns about what happens with the transfer of the…
Marriage is declining because women don’t NEED men anymore. We don’t have to put up with the average/bad ones who treat everyone like shit (and vice-versa with men no longer needing women). We only need to get married when we find one we WANT who also WANTS us. And in my opinion, unless you’re rocking my world in bed,…
Because not everyone is such a twat.
with her attorney, Lisa Bloom.
1) That township can piss right off. Seriously, what harm was the collection doing to anybody?
Are you aware that Obama deported more people than any previous president? More than Bush 2 even.
If UBI ever becomes a real possibility, we’ll have to soberly assess the whole open borders idea and adjust expectations for each payout accordingly. Luckily (I guess?) that’s a ways off.
Well I will send an email to Ford to cancel the whole project then. “Scrap it, boys. There’s a guy on the internet who only hauls stuff in his 2WD speed bump scraper, so no need for the Raptor.”
Surely you can do better than name calling.