
Yeah, you seem like a real winner.

I think it would be fair to say mostly socialist with a sprinkling of liberal capitalist, but a large and visible anarchist contingent. In the US we aren’t accustomed to the anarchist riot-style protesting that is commonplace in Europe. We’re shocked by property damage, perhaps because we have come to value things so

I’m confused by that, and I am unclear as to whether or not there is a difference between Antifa and Black Bloc anarchists. The person who is always brought out as a spokesperson and acknowledged leader of Antifa is Yvette Felarca of By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), who seems to be an odd sort of anarchist in that she

Anarchists/socialists. Your confusion is understandable, and it’s largely because anarchism is a broad term that covers lots of different beliefs. The majority of self described anarchists nowadays are basically marxist-lenninists. They are a plurality, but not a majority, and many anarchists don’t agree with their

It’s been a long couple of days & Im not explaining it well. And it’s been a while since I’ve read anarchist theory. Capitalism is exploitive and coercive, whether it’s the kind envisioned by libertarians or liberals, and that’s what they don’t want.

“Anti-Fa” has really been a longtime movement in Europe, where you have established left-wing political networks/squats/punks/political parties/protest groups where Anti-Fa arose from in the early 80s. If you’re in major cities like Berlin, you’ll even see banners hung from buildings... which is not to say that it’s

they are not liberals or socialists, they are just assholes who want to cause havoc. I wonder how many of them hiding in their black masks are actually alt-right types trying to cause more trouble and encourage both-siderism.

Although it’s tough to generalize, folks who participate in Antifa groups/actions are most stereotypically anarchists, notably anarcho-communists/anarcho-syndicalists, with a healthy smattering of other leftist ideologies (state communists and socialists of various other stripes) present in the mix.

Technically, it just means being antifascist. The difference between them and more liberal opposition to fascism is that they are using force rather than just nonviolent protest. In practice, they are leftists, but they range from socialists (even dem socialists) to communists to anarchists. It’s not an organized

It’s pretty much a mix of anarchists, communists, and sometimes socialists. Not liberals by a long shot.

Depends which group you wanna diss! Antifa are Anarchists! Antifa are Communists! Antifa are violent teens! Antifa are secret republicans! Why can’t Antifa just be more polite?! So rude! -_-

They’re all kinds of things. Closer to the liberal side than the conservative side fwiw. It’s a big spectrum though.

They align with anarchists. Knew many of them when I lived in the Bay Area in the 90s. They can be utter assholes and violent, but they carry sticks and homemade weapons that don’t stand a chance against the police or the well armed right wing assholes/white supremacists/militias.

They mostly (here in the East) are anarchists. And are generally average aged of 16? We had two run through the museum I work in and drop a smoke bomb (ugh). They are all of the ‘I’m a teenager and I’m MAD and I hate RULES so I don’t want any RULES so I’m going to go throw smoke bombs at law enforcement and museums

Antisocial middle-class white people, mostly men, who enjoy causing destruction.

You’d have to put the roof down and winch me out after that long!

Umm, Lynch(e) is an actual surname. Let’s not get ridiculous, now.

Mm. I think yeah. Good question, though.

Then perhaps you should do something like protest. It is hardly the fault of Black people that you value other white people so poorly that you are content to sacrifice some of them so long as the cops pretend to secure your neighborhood. If you don’t get by now that what they do to Black people with your permission

There are a lot of white victims killed by police everyone ignores. It’s ignored so much black people think white people dont get killed by cops.