
Ivanka’s head in hand.

Uh, okay. Saying he needs to “get away from thots” then claiming he only recently became trash certainly implied that to me.

C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?

all a comment like this does is communicate that you can’t get with people except those who don’t know how to wash themselves. this doesn’t reflect well on you.

In his defense, Trump said “We have to stop the funding of terrorism.”

We’re doing just that...we’re taking 12-billion dollars AWAY form the people we’re thinking are terrorists. He’s literally defunding them.

But those are exclusive choices - or, not inclusive choices

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.

Won’t likely happen - 87W is a hell of a lot of power to convert without lots of heat... you can’t put that into a wall outlet without melting stuff. It may happen if the computer requires less power (or charges more slowly) so don’t hold your breath.

Won’t likely happen - 87W is a hell of a lot of power to convert without lots of heat... you can’t put that into a

Just a reminder to your relatives: this is how they were dressing in the 1960's. Girls, today, did not invent legs and midriff. It’s just that no one really cared.

One of the strange things about this job is that we often get to drive cars 100 times nicer than our own. In my case, that figure is probably closer to 1 million.

You have no idea how insurance works do you?

Starred because knowing your municipal codes is a good idea.

Some chicks enjoy seeing a sweet ass & rack just as much as some men do.

Soon! We have people looking into it and they can’t believe what they are finding!

I should have clarified that I highly doubted Mark as a character would not only refrain from going AWOL, but actually complete basic. He seemed pretty determined to not only embody his own misery, but to take Becky with him because she was the closest thing to a lifeline he had.

OK Kris.

THE POOR ARE POOR BECAUSE OF BAD DECISIONS THEY MAKE - this is true in over 90% of the cases. I’m 30000$ + 2400$ poorer because of the bad choice to help out my hippie ass staff member.

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.

Imagine if the court overturned it. People would be parking their commercial trucks everywhere.

I bet $100 that 95% of the people on here saying they’d like an eyesore like in their neighborhood rent, not own. The other 5% are the ones with the eyesore in front of their house.