
I would say electrical failure will make things far worse than no speedo in a new Tesla.

There would usually be several ways to tell. My dad had to wear his ID pass or otherwise identify himself (and ground and flight staff would usually address him as “Captain”). Also, we typically did not receive boarding passes until just before the flight closed, so we would usually be announced in some fashion on the

That’s not the price, that is just the current bid. That thing will go for way over 30k.

You know how some people get bent out of shape over people who don’t park perfectly centered? I get that level of pissed off when I see people doing this at the fuel station.

“on the exercise bike in the work gym”

I just watch it for, you know, the plot. Like, “this lady’s pool is perfectly clean, why is the pool boy coming over now? And she didn’t order pizza, what’s that guy doing here?” It’s a never ending mystery.

Tell that to HR.

I’m not worried about the number of nukes (100 can kill us all off). START was predicated on the understanding that sane, sensible people will equally reduce their arsenals, and that sane, sensible people would safeguard them. START was important, not because of the reduction, but because of the intent behind it. It

I usually just keep the top down. Gets a bit chilly sometimes, but, you know, sacrifices must be made.

should’ve gotten a miata.

The Warthog is armed with a seven-barrel GAU-8 Avenger cannon

I am humbled and gratified that this comment received 2,500 stars.

*pukes all over my shoes*

Donald calls it a “kazoo?”

That’s the joke.

Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.

Just because I have a giant penis doens’t mean I should go around raping people.

It is seriously cuckoriffic!

I’ll type even slower since you’re apparently an idiot.

I’m not sure, but the story as I know it is that the whole riot was started by the criticism of Canadian beer by a visiting, overweight sheriff from a town just over the border in the US.