
And also the student loan defaults should be counted in there. I mean, there's a lot of factors he isn't counting in by saying things like "It will cost a fortune". But the savings on the back end more than make up for that. And we end up with a more educated/stable workforce that is technically skilled to perform

My husband is in the Army. At some point he's going to want to get out, and he'll most likely go back to school following that. We've looked into benefits for this. Not only would his tuition and books be paid for in full, but we'd receive a monthly cost of living allowance (I think it's the equivalent of what an E-3

As the ACLU of Alabama's Executive Director Susan Watson points out, Alabama doesn't have a statewide public defender program, meaning fetuses can get a lawyer appointed with state money, but real live, already-born indigent human beings cannot.

Oh for fuck's sake. THIS is the exact type of comment people are talking about when they talk shit about Jezebel commenters.

Students are allowed to report a rape or sexual assault to the campus, to the police, TO BOTH, or to neither. Campuses are not "able to operate outside the law." If a campus administrative official pressures a student not to report to police so as to keep their Clery Act numbers down THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW.

When you report a rape to police the police gather evidence and then bring that evidence to a district attorney. It is then at the district attorney's discretion whether to pursue the case against the alleged rapist on behalf of the people. Keep in mind that, from the perspective of the district attorney, this is not

Partial answer to c., from the Vice Sports story about this case:

I would like to follow up to bloodsweatSNOWLADY's comment to you as someone who is trained in and does Title IX work as her job. Anyway, YES a school should proceed with a Title IX investigation concurrently with a police investigation. Infact, when a student reports to me, the first thing I do is say, "I would

Hi. I actually live in Chattanooga.

There are a least a few big schools which have made arrangements with the cities and towns in which they reside, that they are their own jurisdiction when it comes to certain things. Convenient, no?

THAT is a good g.d. question. I feel like a person might get both expelled and imprisoned for, say, beating someone to death on campus. The one need not preclude the other, and it seems that both could be necessary.

Well, yes and no. No because it's usually just that a victim doesn't feel up to dealing with the likely even worse police, feels like that's too harsh, doesn't want it recorded too many places,etc. Yes because I know of a few schools in which rape investigations have been halted for long periods of time because the

I had just started dating this gal, and she got pregnant.

So? How did you feel when you watched the Wire?

But Idris did that on the Wire- am I missing something?

I've eaten ass hundreds of times.... I've eaten the ass of many, many people; too many to count, remember or name. Never once have I gotten sick from it let alone some serious bs pathogen you're afraid of. You do whatever, but eating ass is as safe as most other sex acts.

Who the fuck bought and drove a FGT because of fuel economy? Seriously?

Europeans trying to extend their way of life to countries with large numbers of Arabs and Muslims back in the day got much of this mess started.

Maybe she's saying she's looking for a guy whose penis is as big as her leg?

Lucky you.