I cannot believe sexually active adults on this thread don't get that a male penis is nothing like a leg and the comparison isn't apt.
I cannot believe sexually active adults on this thread don't get that a male penis is nothing like a leg and the comparison isn't apt.
That is a remarkably unattractive outfit and backpack.
Actually, you're wrong. Raising the minimum wage does cause revenues to increase because people who make the least are most likely to spend whatever additional money they have. Increasing the minimum wage is actually one of the best ways to improve the overall health of the economy, as it increases consumer purchasing…
You can either pay the workers more or you can pay them more via welfare taxes. either way, its still coming out of you pocket.
Why don't they just put women in the cargohold with the rest of the property and be done with it?
are you serious, or trolling? cause you know the president can't take free shit. he pays for his golf and the cost of the flight for personal expenses. As for security, yeah thats a perk of the job. And his salary is a hell of a lot less than the CEO of any Fortune 500.
She's better-looking than you, that's why.
Dr. Oz spouts all sorts of crap that's demonstrably unscientific. I don't see what relevance the existence of other crappy doctors has to this discussion.
Ah, the true Boondocks. Truth in it's satire.
"these crab cakes are good as a mug..i fucks with these crab cakes".....
i almost choked on my lunch.
"These crab cakes are good as a MUG! I fucks with these crab cakes!"
There are the days I think this is the absolute truth - Coulter is so horrendous, she must be a fraud.
I'd like an answer to that, too, come to think of it.
It's always been curious to me that hip-hop (and to a lesser extent, its R & B adjuncts) is the only genre for which people earnestly treat lyrics as literal autobiographies. Country music, for example, operates under the same mantle of storytelling and fictional or exaggerated personas, and yet no one ever believed…
Cool. You called me a name AND disputed one of the things I posted. We have a winner!
But this calendar is a parody of scantily-clad women calendars. If they just did scantily-clad women again, or even scantily-clad female game devs, it wouldn't be parody, because scantily-clad women is the unfortunate norm.