
Miata on skinny snow tires always gets me a bunch of looks, especially when I'm top down and bundled up just for the hell of it. Handles it as well as anything I've ever owned as long as the snow is low enough that the bumper doesn't turn into a plow.

No way. Those others are transparently shitty and generally don't try to be anything else. Maybe it's my working class background talking, but nothing's worse than the pretentious.

Aw man I miss emo kids. They were actually less annoying than hipsters. The gizmos to hipsters' gremlins.

Miele Olympus S2121

Miele Olympus S2121

Posting a bad yelp review is as bad as racism?

This was already covered on gawker a few days ago. Let me summarize. Some people think this girl was awesome. Other people thought she kind of sucks even more because she's an adult and he was a kid. I believe Myrna Minkoff pointed out that this girl had an inflated sense of her hotness and "fuckability" and

It is most certainly not a fallacy. $2.13 is the federal minimum.

I think not only does it not work, it reinforces the opposite intended message. The type of white person who thinks race-themed parties are harmless fun would simply say "See, I'M not offended, why should anyone else be?"

Yep. Not uncomfortable in the slightest. Just like when they did it in Undercover Brother.

As other people said, this doesn't make me feel shitty. Which I think is the strongest argument that I'm in a position of privilege.

I'm a white person and I can't say I would find any of that - or just the thought of it - particularly offensive. Because the nature of the offense of cultural appropriation is a lot more complicated than simply "lets highlight a bunch of wacky stereotypes" and "wacky stereotypes are offensive". The stereotypes are

Lutefish is quite normal compared to surströmming now that thing is a monstrosity.

No no that is the wrong way you go after people for their history things they had nothing to do with but you can still count them accountable for.

I would go after him for being Swedish, although it would be hard since he could always hide behind his Danish part.

Yeah ... Add to that, "You need to be more like us" is a well-established tenet of white supremacy. I don't see a counterpoint here.

I'm white. I laughed. Most of the things mentioned in the video I found to be goofy, not offensive, and it's stuff that we already make fun of ourselves for.

None of that would offend me, and why should it white people don't get offended by race because our race does not define us(nobody defines white people by their race except when it comes to dancing) you have to go after our ethnicity to have any chance of insulting us.(and even that will not work if the person you are

She and I are sitting in our honeymoon suite laughing at all of your comments. We just got matching tattoos that say "Unnamed pregnant lady + Emma 4evah."

I have one parent who is, to this day, a resident alien and have gone to a foreign country (United Kingdom) and sought employment. So I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of immigrants. However, I'm still kind of baffled as to how the liberals and the conservatives in this country seem to be on opposite sides of

Freudian squirt.