
Cue all the people who don't know shit about the military but feel like this is a great opportunity to make themselves look compassionate. Go check out the military pay tables and make sure you see how much they get in pay plus housing. Then come back and tell me they aren't paid well. Their salaries have been

You can't leave a child alone whilst you go off to work, that's what swung having a dog for me.

And that there's women wrestlers, apparently.

So most of your basis of disliking McMahon today is because your nephew is bad at explaining things?

I'm not one to leap to Kim's defense, but I have not had any cosmetic procedures, yet my ass has been growing steadily for the past few years as well. It's all about the fat injections. Which I take orally, in the form of nice French cheeses. That way it doesn't show on the x rays. :)

My personal opinion is that parents should not be able to withdrawn children from any class unless they can demonstrate that they can teach the subject better. The entire point of a public education is to give all children the same foundational knowledge required to navigate modern life regardless of parents' input or

Jason Stratham attends the unveiling of Madame Tussaud's "Action Stars of the 80s and 90s" exhibit.

Poor nice guy :(

YES. The Internet is not imaginary. It's not a box where you can keep your rage pets with no problems. It is not a Jekyll potion that releases your Hyde in perfect comfort and safety. THE INTERNET IS REAL LIFE. The things you do on it have real consequences. It won't turn you into a barbarian running over the

Oh, let me! "Femnazi" = every woman who is smarter than he is, better informed than he is, and every woman who won't sleep with him, which is all of them.

The plural of feminazi is feminazis. No apostrophe. Oh, and no capital f. It's not a proper noun.

Just ask George Costanza.

I'm speaking for myself here, but the main reason I'd like a bigger dick is to look better in the locker room...


My impression of this article

I'd like to take this opportunity to offer my couch-psychiatry diagnosis that Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile. He was just a fucking weirdo obsessed with re-creating a happy childhood that he never had. Maybe his relationships with children were not healthy (in that he didn't understand his proper role as an

Right you are ! Anti racism movements are about enslaving everyone equally too. No one wanted to free African Americans and work to equality, they just wanted white people to be slaves too!

"If feminists want to pretend that men and women are exactly equal in every way,"

"Feminism", you keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.