
Yeah, problems occur when you stick something up your ass and there's no way to get it out. Luckily, dicks are usually attached to people.

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

Have you seen this SMBC? It sums up my opinion rather well.

Not dihydrogen oxide, too?!?

ahhhh I see. One of the 2 that I remember was part of a couple my ex and I would play with. However, the first two times we went to play he would end up jerking off in the corner while he watched us because he had trouble keeping it erect for any length of time. My partner at the time and I would discuss how much we

All I know is that Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men were two of the best films of all time.

Men with small penises did this study.

As ironic as when you're bitching about typos and write the word "lazyness"?

Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."

Or how long Jackman's cock is, for that matter.

If you're going to be sarcastic in the comments section to a Gawker Media article, you're going to have to lay it on a little thicker. The shit that is said in earnest in the comments to any given Jez or Gawker article is staggering.

I experienced the same thing when a friend killed himself. The priest turned the ceremony into a recruitment for the fucking church. "If you loved this man and you want to see him again, there is only one way to do it blah blah HEAVEN". No offense to my friend, as I loved him dearly, but he was a struggling drug

It's amazing how so many people know so much about a place they've never been (if it even exists.) Isn't it?

I have a real makeup hoarding problem and am currently selling most of my collection on eBay and the amount of flakes (not to mention stuff like stupid people that don't put their apartment number on their address) is such a pain. I imagine selling something like used panties is 1000x worse.

A friend of min used to work in the offices of the most downloaded woman on the net, tech support mainly, but if pantie orders backed up all the office staff would have to spend the day rubbing lotion in the crotch of panties and then packaging them up to mail out. Sorry, if you'r buying "big name" worn panties, they

RE #2 — I know an Elimination Communication (will never get old) mom, and I think it's hilarious that she believes her nanny is actually letting her kids crawl around bare-assed peeing all over the floors all day while she's at work. That lady is bringing diapers from home and doing a 5:15 garbage chute run or my

Would have been far more effective in removing the lint had he started from the bottom.

She was the most recognizable Canadian...