
My house was very affordable but the first year was TERRIBLE. So much work. All my spare time and money.

Not just a peer. In general, men get taken more seriously when talking about anything, including women's rights - especially if they talk about it in a "masculine" way.

It is hard to explain white privilege to people who look at equality the same way people read the Bible and make up their minds that the Earth is only 6000 years old. When your husband was a teenager, he probably didn't really have a good look at the racism that still entrenched in our society. The message is

True—I usually handle my racist extended family with a look and "Seriously? Come on, man.". Honestly, it works almost every time.

Well yeah (male perspective) they wilt. They're the awkward misogynists who couldn't get dates for whatever reason and think it's because women are just terrible creatures. They bully women to compensate for feeling emasculated all the time—mostly by the fact that they know they're pathetic little weenies who

very true and to say perhaps some of this is all talk, there is still something wrong when this kind of talk is not only acceptable encouraged by peer pressure. And frankly there are enough social alternatives in college that I find it hard to sympathize too much with a young man who gravitates to this one, even if he

My biggest fear is that my son will grow into this. I mean, he very likely will not because I'm his mother, you think all of these young men have asshole parents? Because I am guessing not. Oh god that freaks me out.

Eh, just dress like a slob. You're probably going to hell for something else anyway.


isn't it dangerously close to a Kim Jong Un?

Me too! I remember my neighbor showing me and my sister (we were all within two years of each other) how she rubbed against a bed post-and we had to be 5-6.