I dunno—those tiny claws look like they can do a lot of damage. [snort]
I dunno—those tiny claws look like they can do a lot of damage. [snort]
He's trying to confuse everyone to vote for him?
This is why I don’t have children.
Talk to the WNBA about that. The reality is this is an issue because someone not white decided to stand up and speak about the inequities POC face.
You're a 9/11 Truther, right?
His lack of self awareness! Oy vey!
“They hide from their wives”
Jury pools come from driver’s license rolls, not the voting rolls. They haven't been based on the voters for decades.
I don't give a fucking shit what either does with their husbands if they are competent people, which they are. So sick of fuckheads like you looking for reasons to vote for Trump because Hillary is a woman. Shock! We elect the men who pull the shit and then blame their wives. You're a piece of shit.
Anthony, Anthony, Anthony. For the sake of your wife, child, and other family members and friends, GO TO REHAB. This behavior is destructive and likely to lead to a life as a registered sex offender.
I thought they were Jonas Bros. imposters. All boys bands looks alike.
Didn't she give birth a couple months ago? I'm so confused by her thirst.
John Lynch is from San Diego. I’ll give him a pass on this one. But only because he’s been through the annual bullshit from the Spanos’s in regard to that stadium.
That’s what’s so disgusting about all of this: the billionaires who need public money. And their plan to increase hotel taxes? Great, so we’re charging a huge tax that is going to be absurd when we raise it again because we need the money for something worthwhile. Fuck Spanos.
Can’t say for sure, but remove the keys and move to the passenger seat to be safe.
Omg! I loved this during the games. Thank you for reminding me.
When did this hand-over-the-heart thing for the national anthem even begin? After 9/11? I can't recall anyone ever doing it before then. If I won a gold, you can bet your ass I'm not crossing my heart.
No, he's a sociopathic narcissist in the early stages of dementia.
No you don’t. You’re an idiot who didn’t have better options than to enlist to serve a military that creates the majority of the earth’s ills. Way to go—you're really the terrorist.