I'm *That* Asshole

That reply should've gone to the6thzombie. Oops.

What kind of way is that dress attacking her? Looks painful!

I say this seriously because it happened to my dad: are we not sure he hasn't had a stroke? He genuinely sounds like someone who has had a brain event take place, not drugs.

This is one of many reasons why I find Bleacher Report unprofessional. It's the worst site.

I feel sad for you that you can't comprehend how important his action is.

This is awesome.

Rae Carruth? You're equating a protest against a very real problem with a man who murdered his girlfriend and almost murdered his son, instead disabling him for life. Totally the same. NFL out of touch. Not a surprise.

Yes! This country makes me so mad because so many people within it are complete idiots. So I bitch about the country, which causes people to do that whole “why don’t you leave if you hate it so much” bullshit. They can’t conceive that it’s BECAUSE of my love for this country and its ideals (not actions) that I get

Although they’re entitled to it, seriously fucked up on Cinemark’s part to go after actual victims of violent crime.

I got up that morning and had called my parents. My dad said Princess Di was dead, and my response was a dubious “Shut up.” Such an unexpected event that I couldn't even comprehend that it happened.

But it wasn’t violent, so not rape! Oh wait, even when it is violent, just rough sex. Bitches be crazy!

Using Duke as your example is really ignorant, whoopi. Most of that case’s publicity was the result of famewhore Mike Nifong vilifying them in the media from Day 1. If the police had done any bit of investigating on Day 1, they would’ve known the rape story rose out of a troubled girl’s desire not to pay a cab fare.

I said this above: this is not a problem in Pennsylvania but a problem across the country because judges don’t view DV as that bad.

Federal kidnapping involves a kidnapping in multiple states/another country. This would never be federal.

This is endemic, not only Pennsylvania. There is still a belief that husbands don't kill and DV isn't that big a deal.

I may start believing there is a god! Shoots self in head, lives. Probably horribly disfigured, going to have medical problems forever (providing it didn’t hit the brain). That's karmic justice!

There’s no such thing as homosexual assault. Where do you get your facts?

And she’s a woman, so rape isn’t off the table.

Her stance originated far before Trump, as evidenced by a video from 2013......

Pet Sounds will forever be rapey to me now. Oh well.