
Wrong hashtag; you want #crazywhilewhite.

I first read this article hours ago, during my lunch break. An idea popped into my head, and I would expect or hope someone would already have suggested it by now. If so, I apologize for fatigue-induced laziness in not digging through the comments and starring anyone. Here goes:

No means no! Even for Bill Cosby!

Oprah lied? Oprah?!?

"Another one." Holy shit. Good on you for standing up; and a further salute for your excellent husband.

Hmmm, no thanks.

Give him time; even the greats of comedy have had trouble working be-bop scat around people being burned alive under suspicion of witchcraft.

Seriously! This was the best his mouthpiece, the most feared lawyer in Hollywood, could muster?

Yeah, it's not like they have any further residuals to worry about losing.

Of course he drinks; look at that outfit!

I sincerely hope the offending officer receives a traditional burial at sea. No need to wait for his death.


Granny Corporate Reject used to tell us: "Even a blind squirrel is right twice a day!"

Guess they showed you, huh?

Fucking New York. I've never understood it, hope I never do.

I don't know anymore. I think I'm less afraid of ISIL than my fellow Americans. At least ISIL wants me dead for a reason.

At this point in time, I think we could use at least a few more mouthy little bitches with a disdain for law enforcement.


Somewhere in an office at NBC HQ, they've got one of those signs marked "__ Days Since We Last Fucked Up Really Publicly." They lost the number cards years ago.