
I remember a simpler time when studio heads had some balls.

/thread, there is nothing else to say.


And the FUNNIEST part of the movie is when Seth Rogen's character has to hide something in his rectum. You know, to keep from tipping his hand to Kim Jung Un?

Seriously, FUCK THE HELL OFF everyone! You want to talk about terrorism?! Let's check out some actual fucking terrorism:

No, what I think is that Sony gains nothing by releasing it now. Theater owners are skittish. Plus, terrorist threats no longer make it a conversation piece; they make the movie a potential liability if violence does actually occur.

Today was a great illustration of the two Americas. Black Twitter users in 2014 have gone apeshit over human beings being shot by armed employees of the state that are then given cover by our government and white Twitter users in 2014 have gone apeshit over a multi-billion dollar corporation pulling a movie that was

Yeah, Hollywood... bunch of conservative assholes!!

Is it wrong of my to roll my goddamn eyes at these people? Yes, it is a bad precedent to set. But holy shit these people act like the fucking world is ending because THE INTERVIEW wont be seen in some theaters. I get that this is the people tweetings jobs, entertainment and creative shiz but HOLY SHIT, I am way more

The cancellation has me agreeing with Mitt Romney. This is quite possibly the worst thing James Franco has ever done to me.

Upside: one less James Franco movie I have to see commercials for.

It's a shitty Seth Rogan film starring Seth Rogan and James Franco, where they "pretend" to be media idiots. Then their characters get invited to interview Kim Jong Un, and the FBI tries to recruit them as assassins — but they are so stupid! HA HA HA, wait, why is no one laughing?


I'm sure they were all this outraged and vocal about the Patriot Act, or the war in Iraq, right? No?

RIP Trey Parker and Matt Stone - died (jealousy), December 17, 2014.

Let's agree on a few things here:


WTF famous people! Don't know if you've heard, but the film is rumored to be total shit. You literally cannot buy this kind of PR. The film is going to make 10 times more than it ever would have in the theaters. VOD and DVD will be through the roof, even if just for spite watching and you know, America!!!

The movie sounds dumb beyond belief, horrible and made just to be exploitative. I still think they should release it. But MAN, oh MAN is that a lot of man white man outrage. #yesallsethrogens

Kara, I went into this ready to defend the tweets because, honestly, this is a pretty big deal as far as hacking and cyber terrorism, but holy self importance, batman! A Neville Chamberlain reference! We are all Seth Rogan? Jesus christ, calm down a tiny little bit, guys.