
Yeah, mandatory christian prayer, regardless of denomination.

Take out all those pews, you've got room for a McD's on one side, a small gun store on the other. Maybe reno the rectory into an all-branches military recruitment center. And a mini-casino/bar in the belfry!

Of course it's New Jersey. Florida's Canada.

I often tell people it's like having luggage you can never check, unpack, stow or even really ever put down.

I'll damned sure come up with something by tomorrow night!

I don't know, there seems to be a precedent.

I laughed, but it is a bleak day when you realize you've joined that club!

I know they're trained pros, but I have to think the techs who install disability-related shower gear would look down upon "So's I kin drink an' wash muh shit at th'same time!" as a reason for purchase and installation.

Don't worry ma'am; I keep mine securely holstered at my ankle unless an emergency requires me to draw.


Well, they'll just have to become outside kids.

Yoda is God?

Make 'em use the litter box for a week, bet that'll fix it!

I smell YouTube hits!

A ghost-est with the most-est?

Yeah, but one of them was seeing Yoko for a while...

Where's Cor-al? Have you seen Cor-al?

It's pretty good, but I'm sticking with my original choice: I fucking told you I was sick!

Atta boy. Tell him thanks for the hope of a better future.

Thanks; after a 13-hour day, the last thing I wanted to do was sleep. Ever again.