
Or, perhaps they're thankful for you. Perhaps you're awesome. I'd run with it.

Mmmm, artificial grape was always my favorite! You can keep the black licorice; it's actually less appealing to me than the genuine article.

Po-ta-toe, Pa-fuck-him.

Ferguson is a symptom; the movement is about fighting the disease.

I'm a dude, who used to read comics pretty regularly, and enjoyed her brief work on a Wonder Woman trade I borrowed from my girlfriend. In fact, I still recall the CBR community being highly excited by her foray into the field. So, there's that.

I've never cared for Aunt Gladys. And it's no secret, Uncle Ned was born a jack-ass.

Fucking THIS, already!

On the next episode of AMC's The Walking Dead...

Big corporations take everything out on employees. Because they can; because we allow it. If grass-roots social movements to put their corruption on blast don't provoke retaliation, they will find or more likely invent another reason. At least giving them a black eye on the way out the door reminds them that they're

Omelettes and eggs. I didn't want to believe in the culture war, but it has finally sunk in. People are already getting hurt and killed and there will be more.

This. You have to take the war to the one front they actually care about losing; their profits. The world could burn to a cinder with them on it, as long as the last thing they see is a screenshot of their flush swiss bank account balance. Threaten that, even hypothetically, and their brie-choked arteries constrict

Fuck 'em. In 100 years, history will put their fat, combed-over heads on pikes. Fuck 'em.

A rude awakening; that is what we require. To be metaphorically slapped back to lucidity. Injustice and inequality are, sadly, components of human nature but they do not have to be defining characteristics! We can do better, be better.

Especially if it involves your anus vs. them!

You can treat yourselves without buying shit. All kinds of ways. Drink and bullshit with friends or loved ones. Have sex. Masturbate, if you're alone... or go tandem under ideal circumstances. Comment on Gawker boards. Watch Rhett & Link vids on YouTube all day. Watch TV. Get fucked up on NyQuil and sleep through it.

Me too. Stand fast.

Times like this show you who you can count on, for sure.

Who among us can resist the party in the back?

Good on you, Garth.