
Right? I thought Stormfront had taken over the comments at Gawker! And to be fair, on both sides of this it was like watching two dickhead bros argue over a football game; no interest in the issues involved, no interest at all in the fate of Ferguson and her people, just an echo chamber of "no, YOU shut up!"

Why would he start now?

"So... we're cool, right?"

Bingo. Preferably for a very large sum of money.

I'm beginning to fear that -to a growing portion of their professional culture- one is just the flip-side of the other. No, not all cops -honestly, I believe that's true- but far too many now.

With a mournful sigh, I must confess I made it up on the spot. Saw the headline, and my whole brain just screamed "What the hell?"

Pants, Pasties and Vag were my favorite folk/punk trio of the late 70s/early 80s; saw them open for Black Flag at CBGB, had to lob three bottles at the guitarist before they'd agree to play their biggest hit, "Fuck The Magic Dragon." Ah, good times.

Hopefully not; if Sting is involved, it could go on for hours!

Thanks! Hope it's not an S.O.S.

Internet High-Five for you.

What makes The Penis Games so dull and predictable is that the odds are always 2-to-1 in the player's favor.

I'm out of words to express what I'm feeling. I'm gonna go to bed before this happens for real.



The Haaay Team?

It's been done, more than once. Usually written and directed by guys, so they wind up being crapola. Get a great female writer and/or director, you may have something watchable.

It does, actually. But, we have to. It's just what's right, and it's long overdue.

A good comedian understands the value of timing.

Sadly, I think you'll be right. Worked for Reagan; total whitewash, just the cowboy movies, the chimp, Nancy and "morning in America." I had such a fucking migraine watching the TV memorials on every channel I hoped I might shatter the TV screen with my brain!

Where there's smoke, there's often fire. Bill Cosby is the Human Fucking Torch.