
Never, but never, bring up what "the ex" liked/pretended to like, while in bed with your present partner! I've read a dozen accounts of this in this thread so far, and I'm honestly stunned any man could be that stupid!

I'll never see one of those rides again without bursting into laughter.

Can't rightly see how you'd accomplish any mission in that time span.

Ehhh, you seem well-balanced to me. Keep your chin up.

Like I did, watching Rent.

You're almost right; except they lack... on-air fatalities. The Hunt... is... ON.

Oops, think I may have gotten them confused when I posted; thanks for inadvertently setting me straight. I don't follow sports, but I know a thing or a million about dick bosses.

It's called Institutionalized Sociopathy. If you know what that means, you're grimly nodding. If you don't, don't waste the Wiki search, you just watched the after-effects in the clip. If the twerps who ran that station into the ground were even on the premises, they were listening behind locked doors in an ornate,

Pretty dismissively, I expect. It's going to take something seriously ugly to get them off the air. Like, ugly to the point of publicly damaging a human life. That is, sadly, inevitable.

Usually just with hot wax and clear coat, nothing too alarming. Now, whatever horrific chemicals they're injecting into Kim's Death Star ass, that's alarming!

That doesn't sound terrible, actually. I'll keep it in mind next time I have the flu.

Then you'll love my pitch for a new game show for disgraced reality stars who make bank on the stupidity of their own audience: "The Most Dangerous Game."

Beige is the first word that pops into my head whenever I see Aniston on my TV or anywhere else. She's a walking bar of Dial soap.

Signed. Sic 'em.

Dude, they sell toast at restaurants; you don't have to make any sweeping changes, just throw on some sweatpants and get in the car.

You can count on my shteel!

He was sent to a religious Gothard camp thing where the boys learn skills like hunting and wilderness survival

Have another drink, then get on that! Do it for your country!

Gifs or it didn't happen.

Very tastefully done, and GodDAMN can those concierges dance!