Sure enough. Kinja turned up nothing, but putting "lifehacker, bogartcat, cleaning" found this.
Sure enough. Kinja turned up nothing, but putting "lifehacker, bogartcat, cleaning" found this.
I desperately need this. I went to a Christmas party last night in a charming clean home (despite the fact a 3 year old lives there), full of elegant successful charming people, good food that didn't come from a Mac and cheese box, and what did my toddler do? Grabbed the host's hairbrush and used it to aggressively…
As I have been reading these stories, I am increasingly reminded why Christmas has never been my favorite holiday either. The pressure surrounding gifts is ridiculous. When I was growing up, we were poor (single mom) and our presents were often hand me downs that had been refreshed: A second-hand bike that my grandpa…
Worst: My parents have been divorced since before I was born, but randomly in my childhood my dad would want visitation (he lived, at times, between 1-8 hours away). One year the day after Christmas he brought me with him and his wife and my half-siblings to his sister's house. Everyone was given incredibly…
The year is 1997. I'm 9 years old, opening presents with my huge, Catholic family, as always. It's time to open my last gift, a box from my parents. The whole family watches as I unwrap the box, open it, and reveal... a butterfly print training bra and matching underwear! I. Am. Mortified.
This year, the greatest gift hubby & I are giving each other is avoiding his family altogether.
Worst Christmas gift ever? A 2 week fever and cookies made with rancid butter.
The first Christmas my husband and I were truly serious about one another, his grandmother came to the family Christmas party. I was warned that she was notorious for re-gifting things that other people had given her because Jesus told her to give everything away. Surprisingly, she does not have dementia... Anyway, I…
Aww! My little brother had a stuffed dog named Jeff, he was like a family member he was around for so long. Of course he got raggedy and gross so one year for Christmas I re-stuffed him, sewed up all his holes, made him a cute little collar and wrapped him up like a new present. My brother (he's 21 now) still has him!…
I had a cloth doll I slept with in my bed ever since I was born, called "Blue Baby." Over the years, the thing was starting to be full of holes. My dad gradual patched them up as they appeared, but by this point she was practically covered in one giant patch.
Okay, I'll contribute even though I was a not technically the gift-getter. *Caution, this is not a hilarious story, it is a mortifying story.
Worst: an ex got me a bottle of tequila. Just a random bottle of tequila. Which he proceeded to drink on new year's eve and had to have his stomach pumped.
Me! Me! My MIL hates me and has never made a secret of this. In all fairness, she barely likes the son I married and makes a big show of that on Facebook. Anyway, one of the ways MIL expresses her dislike is to pretend I don't exist. Like, there are pictures of our wedding day at their house, but I, THE BRIDE, am not…
My best Christmas present ever came from my grandparents: A Barbie Delux Fucking Dream House. The one with the crank elevator. Years and years later it is still marveled upon and played with by every little kid who is ever begrudgingly dragged along to a dinner party or other adult gathering at my parents house. That…
So for most of my childhood my mother was just insanely busy with work 100% of the time, especially around Christmas, so she would usually give me cash and commission me around December to buy her Christmas presents for her and wrap them, just to take some of the stress off for the holidays. This way the only presents…
I love my grandma beyond words. But she considers herself crafty. She's not. Well, she is but not conventionally
Don't know if it's a good one or a bad one. Depends on who you ask.