
THIS. I literally only signed up on my kinja to star this & comment in agreement twice, because Piper is a pain and SOMEONE PLEASE KILL BLOODY MEREDITH GREY, she’s basic and a pain and I can’t take it anymore ;_;

Ugh, shame I only saw this now... my nasty Boomer parents could have won this one. Here’s a small sample:

Stopping by to say I'm really enjoying these articles on the history (and legends) of medicine. It's definitely one of those series I always remember to look for. Well done Lyz!

That's pretty much it. We're often annoyed with all the ignorance about vaccines and other health issues, naturally, but the real change will come when good quality scientific education is available to everyone. I've had conversations with friends everywhere who have that all-important university degree but never had

See the answer below where I tell the story. It didn't actually take more than me explaining the chemical processes, but biology was something they'd barely been introduced to in school, thanks to a system that directed students to their field of choice and left out science studies for some of them (that has changed

Ok, so basically, years ago, there was this weird crunchy-granola mystical group who said humans didn't need to eat and could "be fed by light, like plants". I'm vague on details, but I remember this was a big thing - years later I heard their leader had been been proven to be a scam after saying they didn't eat for

Aaah. This brings up nostalgic memories of when the human photosynthesis loonies were everywhere and I had to spend about HALF AN HOUR explaining to my baby boomer, graduate level parents why photosynthesis was not really an option for them.

As the game-loving daughter of slightly less demanding parents, I salute you. Great memories of sneaking around the house to play.

I think the ethnocentric & racist implications in there are pretty glaring obvious, and you don't even have to look outside the US to notice how very blindingly white that perspective is...

Ah the curse of the chiropractor. I snogged this chiropractor once. He was gorgeous, really hot - but 100% paleo douche.

The thing that scares me the most about this e-mail is not the bossiness or the amount of requirements (because I'm fully aware these exist) it's how bloody SQUARE these requisites are. Natural coloured hair? No fringes? Pink manicures?! Are we talking about teenagers or middle-aged suburban moms?

I'm sorry, I know this is really difficult. May I suggest you make some plans for tonight, as a distraction? It doesn't have to be anything big: something like a shopping trip, the cinema or even takeout and a good movie... Treat yourself to something nice and fun, and get busy so you won't spend the evening thinking

It's really tough :/ I think you have a good point: having less of a social life and less people around it really seems to make these situations worse. Grad school is an important decision and might actually help you by creating opportunities to meet other guys, though, so don't worry about it yet. Good luck!

Having unrequited feelings for friends is the worst :/ I'm kind of in a similar situation right now, so I feel you. Have you considered putting a little distance between you and said friend for the time being? It doesn't have to be permanent - sometimes you just don't want to lose that friend - , but seeing and

I feel you guys - I'm another member of #teamclumsy. It's a lifetime of tripping, falling, bumping into furniture and door jambs, getting tangled onto random objects, closing doors and drawers on fingers, hitting toes everywhere..

Tracy, I reckon you let the Humanist Boyfriend off too easily - there's a rich historical tradition of entitled male arsehole-ism in humanism, very visible atm...

Many memories of Europe.

Right? As if a lot of people would be super interested in leaving a country with good, honest free healthcare to have really young premature babies and gain lots of debt in the US of A... This isn't a good, cute situation for the parents, so that sentence comes off as very judgey...

Hah! 1999 was when I made lots of friends online and spent most of my leisure time online. So the Millennium Bug was the scariest thing that could possibly happen to a dramatic teenager - what if I lost all my ICQ contacts? My e-mails full of cute gifs? My connection to all those friends?! I made backups of everything

Comprehensive and painfully accurate, Isha. Basically "The Year in OKC Specimens".