My favorite
scentis clover
My favorite
scentis clover
So, your lady is pregnant, and suddenly you feel like you're in a relationship with Mussolini — or at least an…
Just climb into the garden like this guy, dude.
SLOOTJES LOPIK. That's what it says on the crane, and that's what you get for using a crane from IKEA.
This is clearly a sign from some form of higher being that we need to seriously take it down a notch with these…
I feel ya. Before I moved away from DC (I lived there and worked at the same damn company for 8 years), I would go months without someone saying "Good morning" to me at the office. Once you're established at an office where you're not one of the social people, it's hard to just suddenly start. So I did look for…
(Sorry if this is whiney)
Yas indeed.
Here is the thing pissing me off tonight: the number of people who think it's fine for a dad to disappear from a kid's life because his ex, that bitch, got custody.
Good luck! Send postcards! lol
#PrettyMuchInTheSameBoat :/
Frandz. You know the deal: Easy to make. Hard to keep. Even harder to make after a certain point so you better hope…
My mortifying holiday party experience ended up changing my life completely. It was my first job out of college, it was in my field of choice and I hated it. I was there about 5 months when the holiday party came around. I also happened to be in a horrible marriage, we were young and totally stupid. By the time my…
I was in the UK at Christmas a few years ago, and I remember hearing on the news how the pubs would be closing at staggered (heh) hours because the London metro police were concerned if office parties were all finishing at the same time there couldbe riots in the streets. In the morning, I remember going to a cash…
Well, my partner's office party was two nights ago. I was "that person" at the party who drank too much and made a fool of herself. In the many months of pregnancy/breastfeeding, I have apparently completely forgotten about the most important rule of holiday party, "moderation." Acted a damn fool, hit on the hot new…
This isn't me, but it's a great holiday party story so I'll tell it anyway.
I worked for an EXTREMELY disreputable publishing company that was constantly being sued for sexual harassment, and our holiday parties (really, all parties) were pretty legendary bacchanals, so I was not super thrilled to have to plan one. I picked a lovely hotel bar near the office, we arrive around happy hour about…
I've been with the same company for about 7 years, but after 4 years in New York, I moved to our office in Chicago. The very first Chicago holiday party, we went to a Mexican restaurant and everyone had to get drunk because we were playing Minute To Win It games. I was chosen for the game where two 2-liter soda…
Weeeeeellll, there was the one holiday party where the coworker I was going "home" with ran up on a curb and everyone believed it was because I was blowing him at the time...
I'm organizing our office party. I'll check in after next week.