
"Falcon Nest this is Deep Diver 1, requesting permission to execute Operation Freedom Hole."

Fetch me my drone swatter.

Did y'all know that March of Dimes began as a campaign for donations to the campaign to eradicate polio? People sent tons and tons of dimes to the FDR White House?! I learned this in the excellent Polio: An American Story.

I guess what I am asking is how do I propose casual sex to someone? And also how do I make sure that this stranger that I am going to be having sex with isn't an axe murderer? What if they are all axe murderers? Is it even remotely safe to have sex with a stranger? Is casual sex overrated? Am I going to regret it?

Ugh, I recently FINALLY recovered from a vagina disaster that would not end. I get yeast infections if I don't change out of running leggings soon enough, so I thought that was the original problem. I always know what it is when I have yeast, even if the NP I was seeing tended to never believe me, so I called and was

The knee is the elbow of the leg

Triangle! Square! Octagon! Rhombus! ALL ON YOUR BOOBS!

Quick PSA: Recurring vaginal infections may also be a symptom of diabetes so it's very, very important to see your doctor.

Well, all hats are now associated with some flavor of douche, but you need something on your head when you wear a black trenchcoat (military-issued, but really nice). I wonder if I could get a particularly Sauron looking one to match.


I know. My usual reaction to the 50% statistic is "so?" Now that women can own property and have jobs and all that, I really don't see the need for social pressure to stay married beyond the happiness of both parties. I mean, if you once loved the other person, it's probably worth it to work on the relationship. (And

So many men don't want women earning real money because all these guys have to offer is earning power. If women as a whole could close the wage gap, these clowns would have to come to the table with good personalities, good looks, a certain weight/ height, etc. You know, all the shit that women are required to have in

Yup, I think that the higher divorce rate is actually a good thing. I'm 25, so my grandparents are starting to really get up there in age, and they're starting to lose the ability/desire to hold in things they've been internalizing for decades. There is seriously nothing sadder than looking at both of them and

They're called "low risk" because the person giving birth is a woman and not worth the bother and expense of a hospital bed and doctor. Now if men were to be the ones giving birth all pregnancies and labors would be "high risk" and they'd never in a million years tell a man to go home and give birth without an

Excellent. I would like to reserve Chummy as the midwife of my hypothetical, future children.

i think this should be included... i want one so badly!!

This is a bit old news, as this particular incident took place a few months back but regardless - I think the important thing to take away here is that Swedish TV council has made a right decision in this regard and they're sticking by it. There will always be some who disagree and as long as there's a civil debate