This afternoon, the staff of Jezebel dot com received a curious tip indicating that an impish Redditor tricked…
This afternoon, the staff of Jezebel dot com received a curious tip indicating that an impish Redditor tricked…
Hey all you Carol/Daryl shipping doubters! You know that part where Daryl is a perfect gentleman to Carol and kills the mom/child walkers that were entombed in the temporary housing for victims of domestic violence? THIS IS WHERE YOU CONCEDE DEFEAT AND LET IT HAPPEN. THEY'RE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL…
Whatever. I don't think it's necessary to teach that lesson in that particular way. I see it's not a popular view, but fuck it, I do not care. Teaching that lesson could be done as easily by making the students plant a garden, harvest it, and eat it. Or send them to a farm to see the deed done and then, eat the food…
Every time I see articles blaming millennials for this, that or another thing, I think of this:
Chastened by public backlash over its grating The Perfect Body ad campaign, Victoria's Secret is getting in on the…
8's environment are very empty and boring compared to 9. This image is just a higher resolution of a background used in the game. It's not a remake or upgrade.
I do!
Well first and foremost if you change to full 3D environments in a remake of FFVIII it would change a lot of the gameplay mechanics and would make it a different game.
Why does nobody love FFIX? Huff!
Sunday night's edition of The Walking Dead opened with a minor setback, featured a whole lot of mullet talk, and…
It was a revival style very popular in the last decades of the 19th century in America. Pretty much all "Victorian homes" in American are Queen Anne style. My childhood home was built in 1893 and very indicative of the style with a large front porch, balconies, and turret. I rehabbed the turret, the high tower room,…
Exactly. Aretha released 9 albums before she got a major hit. She's been through it.
One day hanging out on the grassy knoll freshman year at college, a free-spirited woman on roller skates…
To regulate shade, we must first define it.
The definition of a diva is someone who doesn't give a shit. It's not on Aretha to approve of these ladies. A diva knows what she is. I'm sure the industry was hard for Aretha during her time as an up and coming artist. She probably needed an iron ego to overcome it.
On Taylor Swift: "great gowns, beautiful gowns"
I actually really like Beth. She's no Rambo (like Carol) but she's fighting like hell to make it. She's come a LONG way from her suicide attempt, which I think is the point. She has to actively work really hard to overcome her deer-in-the-headlights instincts, and she does it.
In Sunday night's episode of The Walking Dead, we discover yet another group of humans living in post-apocalyptic…
When it comes to sexy costumes, we here at Jezebel believe that it's time for some gender equality. But we couldn't…
This Jude Redfield aka Bones Redfield, a "skinny meteorologist" working at the Fox affiliate WDRB in Louisille,…