Tumblr sex symbol Benedict Cumberbatch recently sat down for a little chat with Elle UK. Among the topics discussed:…
Tumblr sex symbol Benedict Cumberbatch recently sat down for a little chat with Elle UK. Among the topics discussed:…
I'm Lois Duncan, the author of DAUGHTERS OF EVE, which, to my amazement, appears to be just as controversial today as it was when I wrote it back in the late '70s. I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion (thank you Jia and Kelly) and would be happy to respond to any questions that anyone might have. (As long as you…
Thank you for this article! Oh how I wish I could go to this exhibit! I suppose I will have to console myself with my Victorian hair brooch (oh yes, it contains the hair of some dead loved one!).
Before I left the house to go to the new Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibit Death Becomes Her: A Century of Mourning…
My father was a pastor. He also did not speak English as his first language (though he did speak fluent, unaccented English) and occasionally would slip up a bit. Once, he was preaching a sermon on the story of Abraham making a covenant with God, which involves God appearing as a flaming brazier. My father pronounced…
Let me tell you the story of two cars: the original Mazda RX-7 and the Mazda GLC.
Feminism is not just about lifting the oppressive veil of gender expectations off of women — it's also about…
Yes, but they're really bad for you. I casually mentioned it to my doctor and she nearly hit me over the head. They essentially fake your body into thinking that it is starving, so it releases endorphins, which is the only reason why you feel weirdly euphoric a few days in (people with anorexia report the same…
Thank God! How he ever thought of hiring him in the first place is what I don't understand. I remember he tweeted something to his victim along the lines of "Good luck getting a million people to believe you." And "Fave if you'd fuck me willingly." Something like that, I think.
Life during a zombie apocalypse can get pretty grim. Between roving bands of undead walkers trying to snack on your…
Uhhh...as a Canadian whose hometown was attacked on Wednesday, with several friends involved in the lockdown... I don't find her tweet in the least bit offensive. In fact, it pretty much sums up the POV of many of my friends posting on social media: for us, this is a big deal because gun violence is not a daily/hourly…
I was hoping a black person would do this instead, but I'll give it a shot! (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) "Boo" is originally black slang, so it's a little racist to try to incorporate black slang into your speech when you're a white person talking to black people. (Like, "Oh, I bet he'll be more…
Laverne Cox is 5'11", maybe 6'4" in Louboutins, but her super-shiny, super-long blonde wig gives her the illusion…
Well, the reason my mom's Barbies were so great was my great-grandmother (who was a seamstress) made all these sick vintage dresses for them. So it's not even really about the Barbies, but the homemade accessories.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…