
It took a long time. As another commenter above wrote, it’s mainly about getting some education and experience in the world while having at least a little bit of an open mind. The two pivotal moments for me were having friends I deeply cared about “come out” to me about things that I thought I had hard opinions on -

The thing that these narratives get wrong is that, for most rational, even liberal leaning people, trans identity does not automatically imbue someone with the capability to govern and lead. It is a descriptor of someone’s personal identity and exterior aesthetics, not evidence of their skills and capabilities. And

Can we admit that Paul Rudd has held up in a way that no other man his age has? 

Yeah. This sounds like Max Hardcore-level exploitation and fetishization of rape and abuse. I’m not into censorship, but I really don’t think the gender of the person behind the camera makes any difference at all. It’s still a celebration and romanticization of damaging behavior.

Fuck this person. What an asshole. As a survivor of incest, fauxcest porn DISGUSTS me because it promotes and normalizes incest. I could barely read this article so I don’t know what sort of shit she’s doing, but a lot of it on the front page of pornhub is like “brother coerces sister to suck his dick so he won’t tell

I’m a straight woman of color and my dad sexually abused me. Let me spell out to you what incest meant to me. I can remember only a very few moments of my childhood ever being happy. There are no childhood photos of me smiling. I spent much of my childhood in my bed, under a blanket, crying. I was completely

This is not something to be celebrated. She’s not any kind of “empowered woman breaking barriers” in her industry. Rather, she’s exploiting the fact that she’s a woman as some sort of palliative to sell this otherwise unmarketably exploitive trash, which, while it evidently has a market, doesn’t make it any more worth

This is creepy. Can we not promote aggressive long-range paparazzi photos of infants and respect families’ wishes to allow their children private lives until they consent to being public figures?

Edit: and if anyone tries the old “they’re celebrities, they signed up for this” excuse you’ll be dismissed into the pits

And “0" is broken

I love watching the press pretend that this is a revelation. “EARTHQUAKE: Note That Was Transparently Trump’s Words Revealed To Be Words Of Trump”

You are comparing an atom bomb with a BB gun. If the Krims were bad employers, and there is no indication that they were, there is no narrative thread that connects this theory and the fact that SHE KILLED THEIR FUCKING KIDS. Maybe you’re not a parent. Maybe you don’t get how losing a child is the worst thing a person

This article is incredibly unfair to the Krims. No, Yoselyn Ortega’s complaints weren’t legitamite. She made bad financial decisions; she sent her son to expensive private schools, she chose to sublet from a someone who kicked her out shortly after she moved in. They paid her, they offered her extra work when they

We do not deserve Chrissy.

Hello, everyone.

Someone needs to let Jewel know that another person with small hands has made us all profoundly not okay.

Wow love how quickly people read this frank discussion of how the economics of Hollywood disenfranchise women, and went; “Fuck her she said a mean thing about Faye Dunaway.”

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this

As a woc who has called out professors, employees, friends, I sympathize while not condoning what he did. There’s a lot of people that are acting all outraged who do the same thing all the time and it’s not realistic to pretend we all have the option of being social justice warriors on the front lines of our jobs.

If Billy Bush were a peer or friend of Trump’s and was egging him on like that, I’d agree he was a complicit asshole. But he was subordinate to both Trump and his NBC bosses (for whom Trump had the #1 show on TV), so Bush really wasn’t empowered do the right thing without fearing for his job.