
There are stigmas related to just about every aspect of pregnancy and motherhood. I don’t care if she’s a sex worker as her regular day job, but yeah I’ll judge the hell out of her for doing it while pregnant if there’s even a <.0001% chance it could harm the baby. I would judge any working mom whose job put the baby

Yeah I work in data all day everyday, so I was also like, wait, am I reading that wrong? I’m sure they mean: 96% of black voters went for Jones, and 98% of Black Women (who represent X% of black voters) went for Jones.

yes extremely confusing, came here as well to say this!

I wasn’t trying to insult, honestly. I asked out of a genuine desire to understand better. I have never had to make such a difficult decision. I recently had my first baby and just had been thinking about the ban when I went in for my 20 week appt and saw the full blown human in my stomach! Blew my mind. And made me

I absolutely do, and I was being genuine in my request to understand better. I recently had my first baby and it was really difficult to imagine someone aborting at 20 weeks for any reason OTHER than a serious health condition (like life of the mother and/or baby), so I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear. I was trying to

I don’t know why I didn’t see any of these responses until today... I guess I just didn’t visit Jezebel for a REALLY long time. But thank you for the thoughtful response. I stated that of course it makes sense to have exceptions in cases where the life of the mother is at risk, but beyond that I didn’t understand.

sorry for the completely charged question I’m going to ask, but I NEED to understand this. What is so terrible about a ban on 20 week abortion? (with exception of cases that involve the life of the mother). Is 20 weeks not enough time to decide if you want to have the baby or not?

Wait, why do so many teachers “need” iPads to teach their kids how to communicate? I was excited to donate to this, but I’m kind of blown away here. This is not the “need crayons and paper” narrative I keep hearing.