
C’mon man, they FINALLY upgraded the security on that place and you gotta bag on it?

Especially when their sole job for the last two years has being fighting said forces. Doesn’t the resistance have briefings and intelligence reports on their enemy?

Thankfully, Wookiepedia is available in-universe to a pilot, an orphan from a planet with no First Order presence, and a FO soldier who never made it past squaddie.

So you don’t even know but you’re already criticizing it for lack of innovation?

I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I

I’m not sure when we arrived to this era of “who can apologize the fastest” but this hyper vigilant analysis of the Tom Izzo moment is so confusing and completely unnecessary. It was a heated explosive moment. I’m sure Izzo knows he lost control, but saying that he lost control to the press undermines the relationship

I captured all of Nora’s journal entries. They are quite funny!

Huh, guess it’s just common decency for the millions of elderly women who work in Housekeeping. You’d quit after one shift. 

Some people want to know how they can be as polite and accommodating as possible, because that’s just the way they want to be. This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier. It’s useful if you want to know if you’re actually helping someone by taking a

I haven't looked forward to a movie this much since Phantom Menace. 

That animated Spider-Man movie, bumblebee and Mary Poppins are out as well wtf are you talking about

Well, first, that’s very nice. And second, good news! Arrow reviews will be back (on a trial basis) when the show returns.

You can fuck right off.

How dare Trebek take his own preferences into consideration when deciding what types of contestant behaviors he personally likes or dislikes! He should be more objective in his subjective opinions.

He doesn’t like it when nobody gets the answer—er, question. He likes it even less when no one even rings in. In some categories there’s a trick or theme or gimmick that starting at the top eases you into. If you jump straight to the $2000 box in that category you might be confused.

Counterpoint: It is possible to have fun even as an adult.

If Le’Veon Bell returned to the Steelers, played on the franchise tag, and broke his leg, the team would be okay with letting him walk after the season

This could be the whole movie and I’d still be there on opening day.  

Anyone want to talk about the Harlem’s Paradise paintings? It’s one of the most interesting things for me and I’d love some takes on it from other people. For me the painting hanging in Harlem’s Paradise represents the reign of the person in charge, how they see themselves, and how they want others to see them