
Maybe that’s just his real hair.

Cat was the only reason I watched the trailer. Now I want to see the movie. So it worked.

I don’t know. I’m just saying I like good action scenes. Jeez man.

I’m not defending that guy, I’m just arguing against the idea that the auditory and visual aspects of a film are relatively unimportant - a mere 20% is what was said - to the enjoyment of a film. It’s such a snobby thing to believe.

I see we just have different tastes. Usually when I rewatch any of my favorite comic book movies, it’s mainly just to rewatch any of the really good action scenes, while fast forwarding through the other parts.

Wait what... you’re asking why someone would go watch a movie for exciting visuals on a really huge, high resolution screen with really loud, high quality sound?

Pretty sure that’s a picture of linebacker Martin Lawrence...

The revisionist history on this site regarding the reception of this movie by the staff and commenters alike saying that this was a bad movie has been utterly ridiculous. Is there some sort of joke I’m missing out on or something?.

This was the best response.

There were 9 or 10 females in the video:

Anyone know why this movie isn’t about Rogue Squadron?

Anyone got videos?

Are you serious?

Are you Matt Boomer’s mom or something?

Are we not sure he’s not the actual Vandal Savage. Maybe he’s been living so long and has done so many things, that all he wants now is to be recognized as an immortal. So he’s manipulated the comic/tv industry all this time by creating a character that’s actually himself so that he can play himself on the tv.



Your article was fine. But I read the headline and immediately thought, “How the mighty have fallen.” Maybe the says more about me than you, but like someone else said, a headline along the lines of “Vin Baker Turning His Life Around” would’ve sounded more positive and less potentially snark-inducing.

Ironic really. That part of the trailer pretty much sold me on seeing the movie. But when that scene came up in the movie, the theater was pretty silent because we had all seen that part of the trailer already. Kinda wish they didn’t put in trailer though.

Well that’s debatable.