
I don’t know. I’m just saying I like good action scenes. Jeez man.

I’m not defending that guy, I’m just arguing against the idea that the auditory and visual aspects of a film are relatively unimportant - a mere 20% is what was said - to the enjoyment of a film. It’s such a snobby thing to believe.

I see we just have different tastes. Usually when I rewatch any of my favorite comic book movies, it’s mainly just to rewatch any of the really good action scenes, while fast forwarding through the other parts.

Wait what... you’re asking why someone would go watch a movie for exciting visuals on a really huge, high resolution screen with really loud, high quality sound?

Pretty sure that’s a picture of linebacker Martin Lawrence...


Your article was fine. But I read the headline and immediately thought, “How the mighty have fallen.” Maybe the says more about me than you, but like someone else said, a headline along the lines of “Vin Baker Turning His Life Around” would’ve sounded more positive and less potentially snark-inducing.

I honestly hate this argument. There was ONE Superman. There were EIGHT Avengers. And that doesn’t even include Nick Fury and zombie SHIELD. Notice how when uber-Ultron focused on Thor, Thor was too busy with him to save civilians until Vision showed up.

Wait, where's the punchline? I thought this was actually going to be pretty funny...

No, it's not really true, as long as the scale is consistent. You should start the axis somewhere that makes it more convenient for the reader to read and to save time/space.