
Much of the article discusses the research showing that surgery doesn’t just help treat T2D by limiting food/energy consumption or by causing weight loss. It seems to stabilize insulin sensitivity and glucose control through several biological mechanisms, including long-term hormonal changes, that aren’t seen in

Bariatric/metabolic surgery is a life-changing medical intervention that shouldn’t be taken lightly and should be used only after other treatment options, including diet, exercise and medication, aren’t helping you. That’s something every expert I reached out to agreed on. But the original post is a silly, nonsensical

A key fact here, besides the fact that the surgery WORKS, is the fact that I was able to convince Microsoft to reverse their policy and pay for it. I hope you, readers, share this with your friends at other companies so they can influence their employers to do the same (if you’re unsure me and I’ll

True weight loss takes true effort. A lot of these people don’t want to change their lifestyle, and too many want what they think is an easy fix for obesity.

it’s better than dying, should we looks for true cures? Always. but in the meantime if this can save lives why not use it?

Also everyone assumes they are smarter than evolution because they are, Evolution is not intelligent it’s changes that survive based on luck and mutation (why do we have an organ that does nothing

If it’s a hacky workaround that keeps people alive, I’ll take it.

antibiotics are also a hack

*Romper Room voice*
Hi, children. You wonderful, precious, galaxy-brained kids over here want to say the 36-26 team is five games ahead of the 31-31 team. You can say that. You can say they are five games ahead of the .500 team. We love you. You are safe and loved.

Just hang out for a while, your Dick Award is on it’s way.

Counter-point: Greatest movie based on a comic book character, of all-time.

I am confused... what “dues” do these actors owe you, or anyone? Acting is a profession, we pay to see their performance in a theatre.. a transaction is complete once you buy your ticket and are granted access to see the film. Nothing is owed.

“Oh, you’re having difficulty adjusting to a new procedure after 50 years of doing it differently? Guess you’re just a stupid idiot then lol Darwin wins lmao moron”

Yeah, no.

So you’re saying they should have hired the outside firm to do the background check and kept the illegal checks in-house?

I think you’re missing some context. The Lions were prohibited by law from considering non-conviction felony arrests older than seven years, and to ensure that they did not violate the law, their search firm *intentionally* did not provide information about the arrest.

Try re-watching the show knowing who the Titans are, and watch them in the background and what they say - especially to their partners. There’s plenty of foreshadowing.

Nah, they’ll just casually mention (in vague terms) whatever happens in Infinity War, then carry on.

Why do you need it? Do you really need/want the TV characters in Infinity war? You know there won’t be enough screen time for what they have, but you want them to layer in more?

Was there a clear view and a planned arc in the OT that made it through to the end?