Jeez. I’m sorry for what seems like a really awful run.
I’ve noticed your avatar before. This explains it!
You’d think he’d be relieved, given his wee stature.
Agreed. And I’m not sure it’s just a suicide thing. Our culture suffers from a massive, collective denial about aging and death.
I assume N.W.A stands for “Nice work, asshole,” which is the appropriate sarcastic response to the tattoo artist who inked this abomination?
This reminds of the dumb-but-not-quite-as-dumb controversy of a few years ago when Subway bread was found to contain “the same chemicals that are in your yoga mat.”
I’m going to share something I’ve never told anybody . . .
I’m glad you found relief, but I would advise caution for anybody considering a chiropractor.
If you believe the President is “primarily responsible foreign relations,” how can you support Clinton?
Speak for yourself. I can’t enjoy this NBA season until I’m told which quote from Spotlight best describes each team.
It strikes me as a little disingenuous that so many of us who supported a very unqualified Barack Obama (including me) are suddenly now all about the qualifications.
“Focusing on it reduces and confuses the point.”
I can’t find the article, but I remember Deadspin had a story, maybe 5 years ago, about a foreign handball player (or some other court sport) who died in a similar accident.
What do you mean it’s not “supposed” to be? The content is the best representation of what the site is shooting for, no?
If you’re looking for serious, informed political commentary, there are literally dozens of other places that aren’t gossip sites for people who don’t like to admit they like gossip sites.
Top 5 Not-As-Clever-As-You-Think-Dog-Names
I can get with that, be can we agree that’s not what the OP was going for?
I should have specified that this is in the “Non Joey Tallywacker” category.