
Truth and gawker media are not good friends. I have no doubt it could be easily proven GM plays fast and loose with the facts in many, many reports. That alone could prove recklessness, irresponsibility and possibly journalistic fraud.

Yes, I jumped the gun. However, if she filed a complaint based on false information, or information she should have verified, she can be open to a lawsuit.

Well, I doubt it would be internet police. More like half a dozen $1000 an hour attorneys with competent investigative staffs.

I don’t. Why don’t you splain it to us.

Most of the time I'm discussing gawker media. But I understand how you might get confused.

Malicious intent must be established prior to winning a libel case against a media entity. It can be proven by actions over a period of time.

So you spent a lot of time there?

I'm deeply hurt.

Again, pretty weak.

Weird, I don't even like trump. But I like gawker media less.

If you think this is witty shade on gawker media, you need to find another website.

I look forward to it as well.

This going to be hilarious when the SS agent who yanked her comes out and takes credit.

Weird how SF spiked then went out of control the same time the UKs immigration, legal and illegal, doubled then tripled.

I’ve been trying to understand this 24/7 obsession gawker media has with trump and then it dawned on me...democrats are jealous and wish they had a candidate who could command the news cycle like him.

Just so I get this right, from the article it suggests zoo and other animal and city officials not only knew they had a mountain lion living in the Griffith park area, but tagged him and put a GPS device on him?

Where are the insults?

So you think no one ever gets bad service or server attitude at a restaurant?

If they're off campus how can they be regulated?

So, no one knows if it really swims 5000 miles, they are just making it up because it sounds good.