
Why wouldn’t humans be on the menu? They still are today. In India they even have Tigers that are legitimate man eaters. Tigers that have other sources of food but acquired a taste for man flesh. Presumably after the tsunami that brought a lot of dead bodies to them.

Nuclear power create the worlds most poisonous known to man. The stuff is leaking out of storage containers around the world. A super toxic waste product that never goes away and we are producing tons of it.

Well, that’s one way to cut down on recidivism. It’s a shame society failed these kids enough that they were in this position in the first place.

“Due to circumstances.” - I’m guessing you mean the bit where they started retelling the story in their own favor in an attempt to manipulate the illiterate masses and make them donate large portions of their material wealth to others in exchange for “redemption” and so on?

Let’s hope this money goes to actually accomplishing the task for which it is being allocated and not towards lining pockets, which is far too often an occurrence with any large-scale government grants, awards, and projects.

A question. Are any of these stars less than 50 light years away? If not, even if we do find someone to talk to, it will not help us get through th next century.

How high does the stage one booster fly before it separates from stage two and falls back to earth?

This is a great story, but Tucker the turtle is not the first non-human to undergo a hyperbaric treatment by far. My company, Hyperbaric Veterinary Medicine (hvm) has been engineering veterinary hyperbaric chambers since 2011. Vets have literally performed thousands of treatments on all kinds of animals, including

Have you seen the metrics? GM has lost about half its audience. Funny thing is they had an uptick th last two months due to the hogan trial...heheh.

Taxing people will fix it!

Was that Vince McMahon? “WHATAMANEUVER!!”

So, time for : Pirates of the Caribbean : Lost & Found

Why would they? Whale populations have been on the rise since the ban even with Japan’s hunting. For some species, they have returned to pre-peak whaling figures.

That’s like a $115m putt.

The primary link was to a Telegraph article that said no such thing.

Boston TE Party

You won’t believe this one weird trick to mitigate climate change.

This lawsuit was tantamount to suing a car manufacturer for negligence because they didn’t install a breathalyzer kill switch in their ignition system before a drunk driver killed someone.