
The lawsuits over this will be flying. It violates the basic constitutional right to free association.

I read that of all the species that have ever lived on earth, 99.99% of them are extinct.

I'm guessing this will ultimately be up to the SC, not obamas justice dept.

So, you had no idea the LL was going to paint?


Manned missions.

Senators and congress persons got tired of private satellite launches being subsidized by the taxpayer.

It wouldn’t have taken more than a minute to sign a few autographs. They don’t have to sign them all, just make an effort to show they appreciate their fans, especially the ones who will wait for an hour ar two just for a chance at an autograph or handshake.

Latvia has a national insect.

This is the worst view.

Anyone who thinks CJAs is leaving to work on a book shouldn’t be allowed near matches or to operate machinery.

Is menegus and Giz being paid to write these silly fluffer pieces?

There’s not enough room in the grievance wagon for po’ white folk.

How much?

Who was paying his living expenses, etc?

No worries, nuclear is clean energy...


But, but, greenies love it because it’s “clean”.