
“there is nothing in the world like first-rate pussy”

Although Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have been mentioned in connection with Epstein’s sordid deeds, their names aren’t circled in the black book. But Epstein did have 21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton, as well as several contact numbers for the prince.

Maryland has been terrible this year. This seems unnecessarily cruel.

Do what? Sing a rap song with offensive words? I mean, I have no audience, but okay. I’m just really wondering if everyone who enjoys rap music is literally leaving out the word every time it comes up while singing along in the car alone or at home.

I will defer to to your career knowledge of the situation. I also agree wholeheartedly with another reply that due diligence should be done. My thought process is that ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, then yes I am all for giving veteran or minority owned businesses a better shot at winning government contracts. But of course

This is an excellent analogy. I read “prison” as poison, and it still works.


Who are “you guys?” I wasn’t aware that I had claimed allegiance to any group or side in the idiotic ideological war of words that seems to be infecting the internet these days.

Weird, wanna explain why you mentioned that Splinter comments aren’t a legal document? Can you enlighten me as to what makes you so much smarter than me, that you understand his original comment but I don’t?

Speaking of shotty investments, if only my father had listened to 13 year old me and converted the household savings into Black Lotuses. “It’s just a fad,” he said, “Those cards won’t be worth anything in a few years.” And trust me, I’d have no problem selling them for real money, or crypto currency, or back alley

Yikes, flailing around in an incoherent rage this morning, huh, broseph?

You’ve obviously never seen his posts if you think he hates liberals...

You’ve got it entirely backwards. We have been giving the rotting Orange and the pedophile rightful shit but once it’s a Democrat it’s a completely different story.

Aside from the incredibly low bar you’re setting for yourself, it’s also because Republicans can simply point to Franken and Conyers and say “see, they aren’t serious about this sexual harassment stuff, it’s all fake news, vote Republican.”

I’m an asshole because I think the people that want sexual harassers to stay in power are wrong? I’m ok with that.

Are you fucking kidding me with that shit? I hate liberals? I’ve been arguing since day one that Franken and Conyers should resign not because I’m a liberal hater but because I am a liberal. You think that making realpolitik decisions based on letting sexual predators stay in office makes the Democratic party look

Oh let’s not pretend people on this very site are saying neither Franken nor Conyers should resign.

Well, he’s not a Democrat in congress so we are ok with him getting fired, right?

this is the best news have heard today.