
You know full well we can’t have a utopia until we’ve purged everyone politically to the right of me.

Two vehicles in a big ten parking lot with Trump stickers? Out of what? 1000s of staff? Sounds like a nightmare.

How is that? The only difference between fascism and socialism is who’s foot is on your throat. At least a free market contemplates liberty, even if it is rarely or marginally achieved. It’s also way more efficient.

As we are constantly reminded, a professor and a student have a deep power imbalance. Telling a student to grow a thicker skin when a member of the faculty at a university she is paying to attend, behaves in such a manner, it is not wrong to suggest that she is perfectly right to feel that it has a greater impact on

Skimmed the wikipedia article, didn’t get much other than it’s another conservative group among many. Free market and capitalism being key functions of the group from what I read.

There’s a bit of differences between getting flipped off and being called a nazi and supporting the KKK (as I quoted).

Stop that reasonable logic. It’s not welcome here.

but that hasn’t stopped GOP state legislators from inflating the incident, which they have decried as a shocking attack on free speech, into a full-fledged crisis.

Maybe — stay with me here — just maybe (I know this will sound crazy at first, but ...) we shouldn’t take hashtag slogans quite so literally and without reflection to such a degree that we write long, hand-wringing, navel-gazing, pearl-clutching columns about their face-value meaning.

What’s your point here?

What we think is not a security issue and what DC and the military like to pretend is a security issue are very far apart. “No sensible purpose” is probably a pretty accurate summary.

Not sure if you mean bring the troops from specific places home or if you mean all the troops stationed abroad home. Either way, if that happened, why would the draft be needed?

. . . Manning chalked the discrepancy up to security concerns around putting an exact figure to how many troops are in a sensitive region and to troops being rotated around.

...chalked the discrepancy up to security concerns around putting an exact figure...

It’s amazing how quickly the liberal firing squad is willing to turn on its own. We can’t keep doing this, letting these unsubstantiated MERE ALLEGATIONS which may be politically motivated cause us to lose sight of the bigger goal. Do we really want another Republican in there? Yes, sexual harassment is bad, but is

So can we call this...

Hi. We, your fellow citizens have voted you off the island . Bye Felicia.

Pretty sure actual socialists are winning elections, while no fascist is anywhere close to that.

You know that after Gawker folded, these sites became Gizmodo properties and guess who owns Gizmodo?

pretty amazing... I only had one issue, every other color on the car looks fantastic but what the hell is up with the blue tartan of the seat.