
If it’s the first time you’ve ever paid attention to a primary, it’s understandable if you think “My preferred candidate facing some criticism” constitutes bruising.

This warms my heart as it continues to prove that no amount of liberal protest will ever curb gun sales nor change gun laws. Every purchase is another loss for the anti gun cause.

It’s the deals. One website I checked had a Bushmaster AR-15 for 250 bucks. that’s half price. I know several people who only buy guns on black friday, as the markup on most guns is stupid.

If it’s so terrible, one would think that you may have already looked into the possibility, no?

seek help

They don’t just let people move to Canada willy nilly. A lot of people in the US are under the impression that every other first world country has similar immigration policies to the US and it simply isn’t the case. Almost every other first world country is harder to immigrate to than the US.

“Berkeley, not Berkley.”

Ah being a furriner and all, I had no idea you could do that.

Yeah, what you wrote is pretty basic stuff. Not sure how “Jeb!” didn’t know that, or why so many people blindly gave the comment a star. It’s a completely inaccurate statement.

Obviously, I couldn’t arrive on campus one day and rebuild it all from the ground up.

Why would anyone worry that the violent and suppressive tactics they use on their opponents would ever be turned around and used on them?

That is exactly how it works. And if the speaker does go through with the event, you follow through on the violence, then blame the speaker.

It matters because no matter your politics, you don’t want the government to have the power to censor speech in public fora like a state university. I don’t want Sessions’ DOJ telling me what views deserve to be heard in public, state-sponsored spaces and which should be content with speaking in private spaces like

“Campus protest isn’t about limiting another’s right to free speech. It’s about what values a university and its students hold and endorse.”

But the safety concerns, in large part, were based on how opponents would react to him speaking. By your logic, if I disagree with a speaker, all I need to do is get some friends, threaten violence and then speaker should be shut down?

Long article,short story: because you love drama, get a woman-boner from being outraged and love to yell hateful things like “racist” at people you disagree with, like Milo. You’re in short one of the people who reduces the meaning of the word “racist” to “someone who disagrees with me”.

Berkley’s cancellation of Milo Yiannopoulos’ speech following student backlash

The budding little Maoist justifying the cultural revo-, er I mean social change.

Fuck off Beckie.

Can we talk about the #1 reason any student chooses any college?

Because you love drama and it makes for an easy substitute for having an actual personality.