
it has nothing to do with who is popular for 2020. it’s a conveniently timed hit piece in order to distract from moore’s allegations and lets them say “the left are the real rapists”.

The Russia troll account is claiming to be the source, that doesn’t make them the source.

Yup. It’s like being a third party listening to a cell phone conversation where people are either talking at the same time or constantly stopping at the same time so the other person can talk, resulting in dead air. Terrible. I don’t even like listening to the phone calls I’m actually involved in.

I’m not into lobbing a grenade onto the dining room table after everyone worked for days getting everything ready. It wouldn’t be appreciated. Even my ultra progressive brother and his wife choose to keep the peace for a few hours around the turkey. There are 364 other days to blow up the family.

I actually don’t mind discussing Premier League.

To me, being fed information with which to argue points will only serve to validate the other side in their own mind.

The takeaway from these sites is that progressives are so cloistered from interaction with conservatives and so insecure in their own basic political beliefs that they actually need to be prepped before the most basic social engagement with the enemy. If you think that’s a good look for your movement, you do you.

If you have to consult an app and wait for an answer, you’ve already lost the argument.

I’ve found that morons, with their limited brain capacity, only have enough space for a few insane theories. Find one they no nothing about and watch the smoke pour from their ears.

“I’m sorry that because I believe my teammates are sluts that were asking for it and shared this belief, one or more of my sponsors is considering dropping me unless I deliver an apology that makes me seem like a compassionate human. Here it is. Sluts.”

“I believe my family and friends are worth fighting for to be anti-racists,” Cronk says. “I really believe in their ability to change.”

Where are the articles on witty come backs to shut up people who want to talk politics?

So this is a hotline for people who really want to stand up to their families but can’t be bothered to plan ahead? Or is it for people who are so easily flustered/enraged that they need an automated guide to walk them through their argument?

Yeah it’s crazy how there’s specifically an article about a Democratic governor and legislature passing anti-union laws but hey “How are Democrats anti-union?”

See, there is a great guide above for us but there is no corresponding guide to White Persons Thanksgiving (or, as it could be called, Not Quite As Good Thanksgiving).

“Racism exists because white folks avoid these conversations,”

1st person to bring up politics at our house sits at the kid’s table.

An anti-racist placemat?

Or, you could just act like a normal adult and get really drunk off of weird Eastern European liquors with your great uncle that smells like onions and always wears the same sweater.