
I call bullshit on the big claim in this 2015 no less...I can’t even believe that this is being printed as a fact.

No way is women’s basketball a revenue sport at Purdue...scrolls down to picture...

Dumb Ham always had a degree Oberlin Idiocy. Her shellacking didn’t surprise me one bit. She’s always rubbed me the wrong way with her overly shouty LookAtMeImALiberal schtick.

Same shit every time.

Sorry if it sounds like I’m not taking it all seriously. I lived through the Clinton years and that man had an ocean of sexual assault and rape claims against him before he ever took office. He was kicked out of Oxford for it. A rape accuser died under mysterious circumstances, he used his position to commit adultry

More accurately, the system that creates the most resources wins. This is how individuals and societies become rich.

One of Hamilton Nolan’s finest ever pieces was when he went to Cuba and wrestled honestly with his own cognitive dissonance over the redistribution of wealth:

Indeed it is, and the fact that it is applicable shows that the left was / is the dominant cultural & political force for who knows how long now.

They are Puritans, just of another dogmatic persuasion

you are doing a splendid job of upholding rule 4 for our moral betters.

And holy shit is it funny -

Again, it hurts me to say this but MAYBE #metoo was a mistake (because the right-wingers have now ruined it).

What is our fault is creating a standard that is non-evidence based because evidence is too hard.

Damn, you’ve cracked the case, Sherlock.

Huh. So past sexual misconduct coming to light, in your world, is somehow a bad thing? Seems to me like there is one simple thing a politician can do here: not having committed sexual misconduct.

Let me get this straight: you’re all for throwing sexual assault victims under the bus and giving their assaulters a pass as long as they’re Democrats.

Maybe the Democrats can try to avoid this problem in their upcoming primaries by running candidates who just don’t put their hands on people. There’s no fear of a firing squad if you don’t give them any ammunition...

Anyone with roots near the Mediterranean will get wonky results. Trade amongst the varied cultures around that body of water go back to prehistory.

This is turning into Egypt. They start this route but soon it will be jail sentences for simply being gay. Sad thing is many “progressives” will turn a blind eye so they don’t appear racist or Islamophobic.

He deserves a second chance guys. NFL is known for giving second chances, think of Michael Vick, Adrian Peterson, Colin Kae...::checks earpiece:: ...Ezekiel Elliott...

probably since I don’t stress about it. Have a good evening.

Your tinfoil hat looks tight, better loosen it.

A lot of the DC actors get shit for being “bland” and “depressing” but they don’t have a lot of say in the matter. They just tend to get stuck with shitty scripts and plots.