
In the 1970s it took the average worker 2 weeks pay to buy a tv. Today, it takes only 2 days pay to buy an infinitely better tv. Capitalism did that. And workers are expected to throw that out so some pencil-dick college kid can pretend to be Che Guevara?

Maybe they’ll start supporting Jews just in time for the left to start hating them. (Or maybe the far left and far right are already sorta in agreement about the Jewish Question)

Then why the disclaimer?

Thanks, I appreciate non-Jews telling me they aren’t anti-Semites before they level grossly lopsided accusations at Jews just as much as blacks appreciate a white person saying “I’m not racist” before they launch into a lecture about why inner city blacks are so scary.

Whether or not the entire makeup of unions is more one color or another by percentage does not discount that there are parts of this country where large pockets of the membership are predominately one color, and would have no interest in striking for most of if not all the reasons people of the other color might.

I find you dismissiveness disturbing.

The step two is a communist revolution. That’s always step 2 for Hamno.

No I’m suggesting that underachieving journalism and humanities majors should never have access to the levers of power because their spite will injure the people they claim to support.

Yes, they then proceeded to subjugate and torture the working classes for 70 years. They must really love Labor, they even made camps so people could labor some more.

Not to mention he’s a bit of the Underpants Gnomes from South Park here...

Also, when you walk off and get fired in short order, it greatly increases my personal bargaining power/leverage.

Dip is very cheap. Also, yeah I could use more overtime. I just bought a project vehicle and a vacation home and I want to pay off the house in 10 years instead of 15. I only have one mouth to feed though as my SO can feed herself.

I strike every time I lay on the couch and binge on Saved by the Bell instead of work. That’ll show them.


The problem with a general strike is the same problem the left has in every other facet of trying to organize: Whose issue is most important? Are you striking for income inequality, racial inequality, sexual assault, giving everyone a free puppy? Your highly paid skilled workers unions probably don’t give a shit about

Thought you were going to end that with “You have nothing to lose but your chains!”

Now let’s discuss how most of the blue collar, rank-and-file union types aren’t exactly “woke” and voted overwhelmingly for Trump...

I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t think my grandparents knew how to live off the land. Maybe season a nice burger, and my dad knows how to clean a fish, but they’re not exactly approaching Bear Grylls territory.

The thought of my company’s weak AF union walking off the job is laughable. They’ve tried a strike exactly once in my 14 years here. You had the 3 diehards (local president and 2 stewards) outside picketing and the rest drove right on by to clock in.

ahh, I love me some anti semitism. Keep up the good work Rafi. Inshallah