
If they refuse to bake a birthday cake for a gay person, it would be different. Would you be ok with requiring a Muslim baker to create a cake that depicts the prophet Mohamed?  

Not surprising at all.

That should be their right. No one should be forced to perform a job or task against their will. I believe a war was fought over this principle about 150 years ago.

But it isn’t a question of whether he is selectively reading, misreading, or anything else about how he arrived at that conclusion (that would be the State choosing what religious doctrines to “legitimize”) - the question is whether the state can essentially force a person to use their talents in a way they find

I’d imagine their legal team is telling them not to discuss it because there may be some exposure. Any lawyers know if Gizmodo would be responsible for Gawker’s future liabilities?

... would give a green light to homophobic discrimination (which it would).

“Following November 16, 2017, (the alleged victim) attempted to pursue a relationship with Mr. Anderson. While we can only speculate as to (the alleged victim’s) motives in seeking a civil protective order, her claims surfaced only after Mr. Anderson did not reciprocate a desire to pursue a relationship with

How does a woman only remember bits and parts of something that happened weeks ago and only through conversations with a friend but is absolutely certain that only the star football player and not some lesser known dude (maybe one of his friends mentioned?) could possibly be the culprit?

How does a person who’s completely forgotten an event for ~2.5 weeks suddenly remember it, and also lots of specific details about who did and said what?

My baloney has a first name, it’s c-o-n-t-r-a-b-a-n-d

If enough people shared your view, I’m sure they’d stop.

The point is that when everything is a caricature, you can’t criticize one bit for being so.

so is the rest of the show, dude. Everyone’s a caricature. If this is really the problem that Hari thinks it is the title of his documentary should be “The problem with the Simpsons and every prime-time comedy show ever made”

Because Hari just realized he could monetize pop outrage culture.

Yeah, Hari’s tweet pretty much reveals that this is a personal vendetta for him, not something he’s approached out of genuine concern. 

Because they aren’t, and shouldn’t be, sorry.

He’s a hard working business man with 8 kids to support. He doesn’t have time for PC bullshit.

Apu is like the only character that has his shit together. He isn’t raging alcoholic, he isn’t corrupt, grossly incompetent, profoundly fat, stupid, a crook, etc. Apu is doin’ fine.

I’m team Hank. Hari’s tweet sealed it.

So people went to a meeting, disrupted it, and were tossed out, exactly as anyone would predict and likely their intent in order to give us this headline.