
LMFAO. Poverty isn’t even the same city to city, country to country, continent to continent. It certainly changes over time. Poverty in 1900 for a US nine year old.

Got it. You can’t defend the statement and revert to your usual Nazi trash argument. I hate Nazis, whether they are carrying Nazis flags or shilling their fascist anti-Semitic religion.

Gulag archipelago. Read it and tell me about the beauties of communism. Or alternatively read it and realize you are defending a genocidal ideology.

It’s a quote and a video, unless your implication is that the video is fake, it is pretty obvious she is anti-Semitic. Please explain how someone who uses “Jewish Media” to discredit media in general as a source isn’t anti-Semitic. If you can’t reasonably explain this, I’ll have been confirmed in my knowledge that you

Strangers, percentage wise. Strangers are the safest to be around. They are less likely to hit you, less likely to rape you, less likely to molest you as a kid.

Yeah, voting before you know what you are getting is an issue. Follow that with 70 years of killing dissenters and there arent many people left to refute it.

I posted the sources. She isn’t claiming to be misquoted and anyone who uses the phrase “Jewish Media” believes there is a cabal of Jews conspiring. It’s not my fault you’ve tripled down on someone whose words and actions illustrate she hates Jews.

The consequences threatened are more support of terrorism.

That’s already pretty obvious. At either end of the fringes, the Jews are the problem. Which is weird, because if the white nationalists are right about race realism (they aren’t), then Jews are the world’s super race.

While I disagree with your subsequent analysis, I’m not going to be ahistorical and credit nature survival skills for their ability to withstand strikes. It’s ludicrous that the op thinks turn of the century workers living in tenement slums and company towns survived like an episode of naked and afraid.

I’m sorry a factual statement doesn’t reconcile with your world view.

The step two is a communist revolution. That’s always step 2 for Hamno.

No I’m suggesting that underachieving journalism and humanities majors should never have access to the levers of power because their spite will injure the people they claim to support.

Yes, they then proceeded to subjugate and torture the working classes for 70 years. They must really love Labor, they even made camps so people could labor some more.

Is this sarcasm? If so, well done. BLM isn’t able to sublimate their issues for even a second. They fucked up Pride in various cities until the LGBTQ community put black and brown stripes on the Pride flag. So now the flag represents:

Eh, the op is right. Labor as a category doesn’t really exist. Identity politics has ruined any possibility of solidarity. And I generally don’t care about inequality (as long as people aren’t dying) although I would vote for providing healthcare for all and some welfare services.

The ADL stated: “having Linda Sarsour and the head of JVP on a panel about Antisemitism is like having Oscar Meyer leading a panel on veganism.”

While a metric could be useful, it could be equally used as a tool of oppression. That’s why situations like this are tough.

Dip is very cheap. Also, yeah I could use more overtime. I just bought a project vehicle and a vacation home and I want to pay off the house in 10 years instead of 15. I only have one mouth to feed though as my SO can feed herself.