
Life is too good to start a Marxist revolution. Relative to history, being poor right now is pretty awesome.

What are you talking about? Most large historic strikes either used their dues to pay workers or they quit striking. Nobody in a company town at the turn of the century was a survivalist.

I disagree. Working class people don’t buy into fiery communist rhetoric because communist don’t know how to speak to workers. They hate the working class, they just hate the rich more. That’s why communism is almost solely located amongst underachieving, college educated middle class white people and the occaisional

Lol. Globalization killed economic mobility. Not tax plans.

There are no serfs. Hamno is always advocating communism. And nobody who actually keeps the country running is going to strike as te economy continues to get better and better.

Hamno wouldn’t know the working class if it sat on his face. That’s the hubris of this idiot. The people he is talking about aren’t like him. They don’t relate to his Marxist dialect. And don’t give a shit about some guy in New York telling them to stop working.

Sounds great. Some of us could use the overtime.

Sure it does. Linda Sarsour just did a panel on anti-semitism where she railed about the Jewish media for saying she is an anti-Semite.

I disagree completely. What’s the metric for determining the validity of your beliefs? That they are real? Or that you sincerely hold them? If you are going on a literal reading of the Bible, Torah, or Koran, the written prescriptions are generally worse than the modern version where people just say the bad verses are

As soon as the state starts validating religious beliefs, you can go ahead and get rid of freedom of religion.

Probably and they should sue if he does. That said, you can’t sue someone for running in a democratic election.

Nobody, because you aren’t damaged by it. Basically, you are free to exercise your religion until it interferes with someone else’s rights. Sometimes someone else’s rights also interfere with yours and then you get cases like this.

It’s a test case. Nobody in test cases are actually oppressed. They go from location to location until they find someone who won’t serve them, then sue. Also, the baker serves gay people, just doesn’t do wedding for them.

Pretty much every monotheistic religion views every other religion as false. These religions already exist. All you have to do is convert and open a bakery. Judaism or Islam would probably work best.

Satanist regularly win all kinds of lawsuits.

It actually still has weight regardless. With the advent of “the personal is political” artistic creation of any item celebrating pretty much anything that you don’t want is compelled speech if the state is forcing you do it.

Court assuming the state is forcing you to vote for him.

Speaking of assault, are y’all still going radio silence about Beejoli claiming Greg sexually assaulted her at a GMG work gathering?

While i disagree with his stance, his case isn’t that weak. He is arguing that forcing him to create a gay wedding cake is compelled speech. We recognize that artists can’t be force to create work for people or ideas they disagree with. I’d imagine that it will probably depend on whether or not the court decides cake